Is it going to the USS Tiny near Yeager airport or the Arctic base? No, seriously; I’m wondering where it’s been heading for years. Is this a potential naval combat, the USS beast like the Bismarck battle, or the USS tiny and the beast are gonna pass eachother and just say “hello buddy!”?
What if we attached rockets to it and somehow made it travel faster to its location?
We could use player made maps to create a line to where the boat’s heading is.
@TheMouse Faintly, from inside the Beast's bridge...
@Graingy dang it
@LunarEclipseSP I could’ve sworn that predated the boy USSR meme? (meant to say boykisser, but autocorrect had other ideas, I’m keeping that)
Maybe I misremembered?
Idk but it's speed and heading is slightly off from the destroyers
@Graingy thank god...
@LunarEclipseSP No-
@Graingy Boykisser BGM 2.0???
( '⊙_⊙)
Lol, thats funny.
@TheMouse this was like, the big thing years ago lol. a lot of people would make craddles and just run the USS Beast or Tiny at like 750mph into shores or even the other ships for fun
Its not that hard to make something push it around, so you can drive it. Just use some really powerful magnets to attach onto it, and then some jets with power multiplier really high, and you can drive it wherever you want.
It will end up on the krakabloa shore (if I remember correctly)