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Tyler is back?

23.7k TylerWildDog  8 months ago

Hey Y'all, been a while hasn't it?
The account is not dead, I think???

Pah, anyways, this is just a status update of... well, everything!
To start it off, I'm stationed in the UK as an F-35A Maintainer, loving my job a hell of a lot! (493rd FGS)
Almost reaching 1 year in the USAF, been a fun journey for myself and learned a ton.

So, what about aircraft?
I retired from making aircraft in SP due to limitations to fuselage molding and coding (to an extent.) I moved over to Flyout since at the time the idea of SP2 was almost impossible. Until I've seen the trailer on it, which I may return with a potential one off build of the F-35A in 1:1 accuracy.
But as of now, I will post what current builds I have in the works on Flyout. This time, the F/A-36 Griffin in a brand new design. Then, an F-35 after the Griffin is completed with proper startup function.

This is the time left for now, stay alert and watch your tail

Doglittle out.