Waiting for the answer of DARZAIRLINES to create a partnership.
Alliance with DARZAIRLINES
6,907 SouthJetLinhasAereas
7 months ago
Waiting for the answer of DARZAIRLINES to create a partnership.
@SouthJetAirways ty
@CaptainBrayden Sure!
@SouthJetAirways also can i make a plane for your fleet?
@SouthJetAirways ty
@CaptainBrayden you're welcome ;)
@SouthJetAirways OMG TYYYYYY
@CaptainBrayden so it is decided, this is the WINGS ALLIANCE
@PlaneSpike nice
@DARZAIRLINES ![5388-FE7-D-E0-DF-419-E-967-D-391802767-E41.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/pL3R1BLw/5388-FE7-D-E0-DF-419-E-967-D-391802767-E41.jpg)
@DARZAIRLINES Wings Alliance
@DARZAIRLINES I’ll join with Brayden Airlines @SouthJetAirways
@SouthJetAirways @WGAIRWAYSS Well, for SP airlines to join we have to have a good name. Any ideas for the name of the alliance?
@SouthJetAirways Well, sorry for the delay, I'm planning it, plus another user probably also wants to join the alliance, and with this I would have some logo ideas, like three airplane tails ;)
@DARZAIRLINES I'd say group of airlines,
Well, if I'm interested, let's create an alliance! subsidiary or group of airlines?