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How do some of you all still have a social life?

38.5k Hiiamhere  3 months ago

Somtimes I look around the simple planes site and take the time to look at some players accounts. There I realize that some players post multiple (big builds)>[over 700 parts] each week.

Now I wonder, how do you guys still have the time to hang with friends, go to work, study, work out, go to party's, basicly live at all. I barley have any time to spend on sp, let alone the dedication to spend more than 3 hours on this game at once. How do you guys get it done.

BTW It's summer break here in the Netherlands and I am planning to work a lot so that I can afford a pc that can run sp 2. And also party's and friends. So I won't be spending as much time on sp these coming few weeks.

Any way I am real tired ,so see you in the morning!

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    1,141 NoOne123

    "time to continue on evolved Godzilla" 2 months ago

    +1 one month ago
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    1,141 NoOne123


    one month ago
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    @Hiiamhere Idk how they do it, my current builds are backed up to 2 years out lol, All I really have time for is ratings.

    one month ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 You are a nice guy but, you should be little bit more patient. You can't rush art.

    2 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 Remember Simpleplanes is not the only way that I spend my free time, I also hang with friends, go to work, fly rc planes , and a lot more stuff that's to boring to mention. That means that I can't always be / want to be online.

    2 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 I am taking my time and not rushing it so that it looks the best I can get it to look without making it horrendously laggy.

    2 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 Still working on it i will give you an update when it's almost finished.

    2 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    And it's been a couple weeks since you said "I make evolved Godzilla once movie out" on the evolved Godzilla creation

    2 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    It's been a month since that forum "evolved Godzilla next"

    2 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    Evolved Godzilla progress?

    2 months ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Hiiamhere it's fine, take your time off

    3 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @Sarp17 Sorry i dont have much time to answer I am verry busy these days.

    3 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    Rude, in what way?

    3 months ago
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    2,176 Sarp17

    @Hiiamhere hello???

    3 months ago
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    2,176 Sarp17

    @Hiiamhere also I have a social life

    3 months ago
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    2,176 Sarp17

    @Hiiamhere a lot of people are being rude And I quit And I Need help

    3 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @Sarp17 yes

    3 months ago
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    2,176 Sarp17

    @hiiamhere remember me?

    +1 3 months ago
  • Profile image
    53.4k TheMouse


    +1 3 months ago
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    34.5k Marulk

    I am an Introvert, i mostly prefer to stay alone more than hangout with irl people

    3 months ago
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    30.0k TriStar

    We don't

    3 months ago