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Wishing and Lists Pt.1

23.7k TylerWildDog  8 months ago

Second post in a while by me, this is a wishlist for what I'd like to see in SP2 in the future.

This is only just a suggestion for future updates

Very self explanatory, track part that you can scale in size and change the design of certain parts. Along with suspension types with different and unique characteristics.
NOTE: needs a car engine or turbine to function (ex, Track selected to said engine types.)

MSL customization:
Make specific missiles other than stock missiles, separate part than stock and stats are to 9 WINDER B (AIM-9B) equivalent for A2A and AGM-65B for A2G.
Here are my potential stats listed for each type:
-Diameter (0.25m-1.5m)
-Caged Seeker [Y/N]
-Seeker Type (IR, IR Imaging, SARH, ARH)
-Proximity Fuze [Y/N]
-Seeker Gimble Unit (0-90 Degrees)
-All Aspect [Y/N]
-IRCCM (Gatewidth, Track Suspense, Hybrid)
-Motor Burn Time (5-60 seconds)
-Motor Type (Solid Rocket, Ramjet, Liquid Rocket)
-Thrust Vectoring [Y/N]
-launch Delay (0.1-1 second)
-Foward Fin type (Standard, Double Delta, Swept, Notched)
-Foward Fin Double Canard [Y/N
-Aft Fin Type (Standard, Rolleron, Grated, Lengthened, Short, Phoenix*)
*Phoenix for AFT Fins will bring Foward Fins to the rear
NOTE: weight and performance is all calculated according to whatever you have selected.

-Diameter (0.25m-2m)
-Body Type (Standard, Oblong, Oblong Wing)
-Seeker/Guidance Type (Laser, IR, OG/TV) can select multiple
-Warhead Mass (50kg-1000kg)
-Warhead Type (Impact, Airburst, Cluster)
-Motor Enabled [Y/N]
-Motor Burn Time (10-120 seconds)
-Fin Type (Standard, Long, Canarded)

Simplified coding for FBW for control surfaces that can:
Limit G overload, AoA and Slip
This can help with making unstable airframes fly smoothly without extensive FT coding, plus the ability to create true Flying Wings.
NOTE: FBW would be a dedicated part for simplification

Mouse guiding/aiming for aircraft:
Instead of a mod for flying with a mouse similar to WT, it is a option along with the Keyboard and Controller control setup, along with sensitivity of aiming.

This is all I have for tonight, it is 0219 as of making this and I'm eepyish until my shift in a few hours.

Dogglittle out!

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    36.3k Icey21

    @TylerWildDog true

    8 months ago
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    23.7k TylerWildDog

    @IceCraftGaming it could work, but it'll be one heck of a complex setup for new players

    +1 8 months ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    Now that I think about it, a separate modular missile designer would be pretty cool

    8 months ago