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Good sellers for weapons-grade plutonium or uranium?

1,533 OrangeConnor2  4 months ago

I cannot explain why. Legal reasons.
No, I am not intending to create nuclear bombs.
Do not tell the Canadian government.

Any information appreciated.

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    4 months ago
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    @Guywhobuildsstuff Who?

    4 months ago
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    @ComradeSandman No.

    4 months ago
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    @JSTQ I am not making nuclear bombs.

    4 months ago
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    @OrangeConnor2 well, the dog is a fully legal arms dealer who does a bit of illegal arms dealing on the side. He’s also a former Echelon agent. He’s on the same level as Sam Fischer (not the mediocre musician)

    4 months ago
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    @WisconsinStatePolice can confirm. Went looking for 5 GBU-12s and a Socket wrench for an experiment. Turns out they also have 99.98% pure Uranium-235 and 93% pure Pu-239.

    4 months ago
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    3,873 JSTQ

    Hum… To be honest, I would rather recommend better precision guided weapons to you. But if you can give me enough benefits, I can give you the timed nuclear firecrackers used to drive away the legendary Nian in the folk traditional festivals of the Antares Alliance

    4 months ago
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    Harbor Freight probably has what you are looking for.

    4 months ago
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    Buy from Graingy, maybe?

    4 months ago
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    Some dude on Ebay probably.

    4 months ago
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    @Guywhobuildsstuff Do you know anyone? Other than that dog, of course.

    4 months ago