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What next?

2,191 52REX  8 months ago

Hello! As some of you may know, the IAR-80/81 I am working on is getting closer and closer to completion. At this point I would say the estimated time of completion is one week from now but take that with a grain of salt.

That being said, I am looking for a new aircraft to start building on.
My domain is world war two fighter aircraft and intent is to give more attention to the "ugly ducklings", those fighters that see little to no attention on this site and barely any high quality replicas of them, that being said, I will not be making Spitfires, 109s or P-51s anytime soon and don't get me wrong, that's not because I dislike them, quite the contrary, they have a special place in my heart. I will stay away from those iconic birds because i'd rather cover ground that has not been covered by other builders already.

Here is a list of aircraft that are on my list at the moment:

IAR-80/81 Published!
Machi-200 50%done
PZL P-11 75%done
PZL P-24 5%done
IAR-37 0%done
Polikarpov I-153 0%done
Fokker D-21 0%done
Hawk-75 0%done
Mig-3 0%done

I am not going to ask you to pick one, that would be easy to do, I would just have to make a poll and share the link. What I am asking is that you think about these planes, maybe look them up and then tell me which one, or ones you would like to see in SP the most.
Also I would like to let you know that this is not a 1 out of 5 choice where the most popular aircraft gets made and the rest do not, all of them will be made by me at some point.
Lastly, no, this does not impact the development of the 81, currently I am waiting for my co-builder to finish some much needed features, namely missing cockpit elements as well as accurate landing gear.
Also, the 50% finished Macchi is uploaded already on my profile in its current state and was built in a day when again I was waiting for something on my IAR
The PZL aircraft are marked as 5% complete because they share the tail assembly with the IAR-80 entirely, IAR-80 being a successor of PZL-24 produced under license by IAR. This means that when even though I did not start making them, the tail is already finished. Also keep in mind that the 11 and 24 would likely be uploaded together as they are very close to identical and upgrading a P-11 airframe will result in a P-24
IAR-37 is an unique option, not only because is the only one that is not a fighter but a reconnaissance / light bomber aircraft but also because it would need to be made entirely from scratch.
The I-153 may also be worth considering, it would be the first and only allied aircraft on this list.

That being said, I am open to your suggestions, ideas and any critics that you may have and I am more than thankful for any help that can be given to me, at this point if I am being honest, the IAR-80 is more of a team project than something made by one or two players, a lot of users on this site have offered me help with different things ranging from functionality to aesthetics and I would like to take a moment to thank them for that, everyone who helped me will be credited accordingly.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you next time!

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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @52REX Ford transit with British teeth when

    8 months ago
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    2,191 52REX

    @Trainz448 damn, this is actually cool, noted!

    +1 8 months ago
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    5,193 Trainz448

    Blackburn Firebrand? It's a late WW2-era strike fighter designed for the British Fleet Air Arm (the Royal Navy's air division).

    8 months ago
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    @52REX ahhh ok thanks!

    8 months ago
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    2,191 52REX

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Hello, here is one I found, it has a fully modeled canopy and the shape is accurate
    The planes on my list on the other hand have only low effort replicas made of them.

    8 months ago
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    @52REX ik this isn’t on your list but could you make the fairey firefly it’s criminally under rated

    8 months ago
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    2,191 52REX

    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks for your upvote!

    8 months ago