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Unstable and with too much drag

32 HydroDredge  8 months ago

Im not very experienced with this game, but Im trying to... sorta make an F-16, just not detailed. I know they're supposed to be unstable, but My issue is I dont really know why my jet is just struggling to pitch. The aileron roll is okay, but it is very shaky when trying to do a barrel roll...

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    276 elliotjuk

    @DumbPlaneMaker well aware of that. i just hate doing it as its the easy way out. (and besides, my leading edge flaps technically already act as a form of canard)

    but in my aircraft, the roll doesn't actually reverse at high angles of attack because the flaperons are a seperate control surface altogether (hover over it and you'll see).
    the reason why they lock at higher angles of attacks is because they lose their authority as they pitch down to compensate for AOA. i just use rudder to roll instead.

    i've got another aircraft that doesn't have slats at all while still being unstable. feel free to check it out here

    thanks though

    8 months ago
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    @elliotjuk I checked your plane out. While it flies great for a high alpha demonstrator, you can make a plane that can both turn very well and pull a lot of alpha using canards and a much simpler code. Basically when there is no pitch/roll input, the canards follow the AOA of the plane and don't generate any lift, and when there is input they turn in the correct direction. This makes a plane that is statically stable when there is no input because the CG is technically in front of the CL, and statically unstable when turning because now the CL is ahead. Then you can write a simple code to reverse the ailerons past a certain AOA to retain roll control at extreme attitudes.

    8 months ago
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    276 elliotjuk

    @DumbPlaneMaker not necessarily. all you need for an unstable high angle of attack plane is some way to kill the lift in the front post-wing stall. here i used leading and trailing edge flaps in combination:

    but for OP, all you really gotta do to make it work is use something like Pitch - PitchRate/(gain) - AngleOfAttack/(gain)

    a lower gain means more responsive.
    for pitchrate, try to keep it above the 100 region.
    for angle of attack, try something like 30 in the stabilisers or so and use the slats with similar code to adjust the high alpha performance.
    (for the following, i'm talking about AOA)

    i tend to think of it in terms of deflection. say you had a target angle of attack of 25 degrees. to have your control surfaces turn 1:1 with it, you'd use 25 as your gain. having a value below 25 would lock the control surfaces earlier and grant extra control earlier at the cost of efficiency while the opposite also applies.

    i could go into more detail as to why but i don't wanna bombard you with too much info.

    8 months ago
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    You need to put the center of gravity exactly on or slightly behind the center of lift and make a fly by wire system which is a bunch of coding in the input tab of control surfaces.

    Basically if you're a new player, i think trying to build your own F-16 with a realistic flight model would be too difficult, I wouldn't wanna get myself into that too.

    Start here

    8 months ago