image may take some time to load, doesn't take much time to load for me though
So then what does the other 44.4% of PC users do??!?!
52.4k apollo12airlockfaliure
7 months ago
image may take some time to load, doesn't take much time to load for me though
@Majakalona i was wrong about the 44.4% so i decided to remove my previous comment😅
You deleted your comment!!!!
Deja Vu
@Majakalona Christ Almighty- I meant the 44.4% of people
@LowtusF139 but you can't earn achievements on mobile (from what I know)
the pirates are stinky
Either they are pirates or are on mobile
their goals are beyond your comprehension
@manUnnamed stinky pirates.
It has been so long since I've downloaded anything.
@Omoriboy PC users. Not mobile
wait can people even see the images?