I hope I don't make a pain out of myself for asking this... So if Multiplayer were to ever come out or the Multiplayer mod by HFK and UO were released and used in the game by the devs what would YOU do with other people? I personally would be doing formation flying and some sick Ocean battles ;)
Glider ops
I hope it could be like that. Being at different airports and attacking each other's when ever. Performing airshows with like 5 people in a group like how they do that at real airshows. We would need live communications to do that though. But you never know!
full scale historical re-enactments like pear harbour and the Jericho raid, but then i would need a beautiful looking mosquito to fly :P i should make one at some point considering its my fav aircraft
I'd screw around with people with one of my tanks.
Just found out
@Arcues Someone already did
All I want is to some one to make a h6k and I will be happy
And you probably wouldn't have to worry about lag if you both fly simple planes (no pun intended)
Oh and a land race where we all try doing a round island rally. I just did it with only 3 crashes xD
i have a whole tank made up in my head that would allow one person to control the actual tank and another control the turret. (without modding or changing the mod)
Races for me, even if that just means one person flying a route and the other trying not to lose them. Formations and dogfights would be pretty sweet too, though
Yep that's what I wound do@Noman0rumeral
Griblob formation crash
Fly a glider with someone
Fly a plane into a bigger plane
Me too, and take a two seated vehicle and destroy things..
Fuq yeah bro!