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1930-1940s Challenge results

20.4k Christiant2  9 days ago

1st-TU-70 39/40
2nd A-300 39/40
3rd VC-1 38/40
4th F8F 36/40
5th F4U 31/40
6th M-70
7th XP-50 22/40
8th P-42
PS: I do not know how to add pics
Congrats guys!

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    Yeah 5th!

    2 days ago
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    17.8k Voyager2

    @Christiant2 ok thanks :)

    +1 4 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2

    @Voyager2 Yes it is

    4 days ago
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    17.8k Voyager2

    @Christiant2 I saw that there is a F8F in 4th is it mine?

    4 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2

    @FlatterGuy Np! I still haven't won one! But congrats! Yours
    Looked great!!

    +1 9 days ago
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    69.8k FlatterGuy

    Thanks! This is first time I'm winning a challenge in 1st place.

    9 days ago
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    2,685 Shebke

    Thank you for the challenge. It was fun to participate! I found a post where some guy explains how to add pictures to description, so here you go.

    9 days ago
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    4,944 KPLBall

    @Christiant2 nah it's good

    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2

    @KPLBall Np! Sorry if its a bad place!

    9 days ago
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    4,944 KPLBall

    @Christiant2 thanks for putting me in 8th :D

    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    9 days ago
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    20.4k Christiant2


    +1 9 days ago