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Life, Background, and Hiatus

64.0k Monarchii  3 months ago

so, good news for me, maybe not somewhat good news for anyone especially in the PEA project(I'll delegate it to the person i trust the most for the PEA project later), but yeah, so, this is somewhat my temporary(hopefully) hiatus, so why am i taking a hiatus now of all times? lets go back to square one... nt. I'll give you a simple history i have and why I'll smite people who want to drop out of school for no good/understandable reasons

see, in short, I'm 20yrs old, why is that relevant? well, many things lead to other, but i dropped out of junior high school when i was 14(when I was an 8th grader) and has been out of school for both economical and other reasons, since i thought it'll be only temporary(think of like 6-12 months) only of course, to not be the case, 12 months turn into 24 months, then it turned to 3 years, then 5 years..

it sucked as i matured and see how it grew worse and worse, i lost my identity of self, my goal and dream stray further and further, i start to question what really is my purpose here in life, if at all or if any, then it hit, my stepfather left us for well, let's say another, so it's now only me, my mother, and my 2 brothers, i was pretty much doing everything i can to make ends meet, so in a fwked up sense, i regained my purpose, so now, in our now somewhat floating ship, here i am.

now to finally announce the reason why I'm going on a hiatus, well... in simply, i got an offer and pretty much a great chance, an acceleration package so that i can have both my junior and senior high school diploma i didn't have, i can't tell you how happy i am with the chance to grab what i've lost over the years, and i want the best to happen to me, i want to take this chance seriously, so with that explained, that is the reason I'm leaving for now, farewell for now, or i guess you could say... farewell'nt? eyyyyyy

and lastly, as a last gift, to quote a catchphrase i always pin to the end of my builds a long time ago in my previous account...

"Aim High You Trailblazing Flutes, Godspeed!!"

P.S. I will come break your kneecaps personally if i ever heard one of you drop out of school with no good reason.

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    64.0k Monarchii


    Pinned 3 months ago
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    Thanks for that :>

    2 months ago
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    @MasAgus bukan mas berarti, tapi bang

    +1 2 months ago
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    2,540 Zhixunlin23

    Godspeed brother, have a healthy and wonderful life

    2 months ago
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    2,592 weakness

    Farewell, Monarchii, have a Great Life.

    3 months ago
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    We boutta turn dis into a chatroom NOW🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

    3 months ago
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    291k WinsWings

    I wish you handle all these successfully, and have a great life in the future.

    3 months ago
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    I have been thinking about the life And the friends that i made And i Lost, there is no way to go back in time

    3 months ago
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    Good luck in the future and present life or study.👍

    3 months ago
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    I thinkYou can come to China. We have compulsory education. Unfortunately, it doesn't include university. But our things are very cheap. There are also certain subsidies for foreign students. If you come to China, we welcome you very much.You are one of the best simple airplane writers I have ever seen. Thank you for being your companion for six months. Thank you. I hope I can see your updates in the future.😊

    3 months ago
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    34.8k Graingy

    @Randomplayer That. Bastard.

    +2 3 months ago
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    16.1k windshifter1

    @Monarchii Farewell, my good admiral. See you around.

    3 months ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    Jokes aside. Godspeed Monarchii, and best of luck to you.

    3 months ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    I drop ot of preeskool beekuse timmy bro ke my mosnter truc

    +2 3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    32.5k Christiant2

    Congrats and goodluck! :) 🍋

    3 months ago
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    Goodbye for now, bro, good luck and I hope we cross paths in the future.
    Godspeed, brother.

    3 months ago
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    oh........i understand you completely,good luck,my whimsical friend ;))
    oh and about the kneecaps,i wanted to give you something
    hands you one of my kneecaps
    do not eat
    it is for luck
    (and btw i am going to sign up for Academy of Technical Vocational Studies,i took an entrance exam there,got 90.08/100pts based off the prelim results so i will be most likely there on the budget)

    3 months ago
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    5,284 Rb2h


    3 months ago
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    5,284 Rb2h

    man... didn't need to overshare but wish good luck

    3 months ago
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    you dropped out of midschool since 14? holy shit that must've been hard for ya
    can't say the same cause I'm born in a pretty capable family for our neighborhood

    anyway, here's a cool motivator or smth:

    Keep movin' forward, and regain everything you've lost. Because you deserve it more than anybody. Good luck, soldier!

    sorry if I sound ingenuine, it runs in my blood xd

    3 months ago
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    Good luck and good life for you. We wish you the best

    3 months ago
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    5,099 upperflat

    you better not comeback and focus on school to have a good life.i wish you to happy with life.

    +1 3 months ago
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    Good luck 🫡
    (Do you plan on coming back)

    3 months ago
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    54.8k TheMouse

    You got all the tags from our great friend @Graingy
    He plans to continue. Be warned.

    3 months ago
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