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13.6k Talon7192  3 months ago

Isopod 👍

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    27.9k 126

    All of this beef over an aircraft lmao

    3 months ago
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    13.6k Talon7192

    @GuardianAerospace lemme guess someone got a bit mad at the B1 dislike oh no such a shame :(

    3 months ago
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    Isopods are so ugly, they make me disappointed in nature

    3 months ago
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    6,005 Rb2h


    3 months ago
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    6,005 Rb2h


    3 months ago
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    13.6k Talon7192

    @Majakalona there is not supposed to be

    +1 3 months ago
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    51.3k Majakalona

    there is no image

    3 months ago
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    57.6k TheMouse

    (:) clam

    +1 3 months ago