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I see there are people who take advantage of moderators

4,104 Tiper4062  6 days ago

he asked to add a predecessor to his plane in order to take part in the challenge even though it might not be a successor, is that allowed?

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    10.8k dekanii

    In simple term, its better for any build of yours to be a sucessor, as you also get a bonus points

    5 days ago
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    For this post, we can change the successors of posts, this can happen when people build something for a challenge and forget to use the build from the challenge to get the successors link that way, no biggie, or if the system just for whatever reason didn’t work and they wanted it to give credit to the original person, it’s not abusing powers, it’s literally helping you guys, and we are allowed to do that, theres no issues with you guys asking for us to do this or us doing it

    +7 6 days ago
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    1. No swearing
    2. You are/were advertising a server, while not discord still is not allowed, was not about it being about playing a different game
    3. Trash talking about us does not help your cause
    4. Don’t bring up issues on other people’s post when it is not relevant to the particular post

    +4 6 days ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    @Rb2h I build in plane crazy too. Although I switched to SP

    6 days ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    @Rb2h what’s your username?

    6 days ago
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    14.0k BYardley

    @Rb2h They deleted it because you advertised your discord server in it, which is not allowed according to the rules, they will also delete this comment because of swearing.

    6 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    While it is possible for mods to abuse, it is highly unlikely, considering they are all hand picked by the devs. The devs make the rules. The mods cary them out. If a mod is doing something pertaining to the rules, you can assume they are speaking for the devs, otherwise they would not be a mod. Therefore, because the mods do this, it set a precedent that this is not against the rules. Now, its a common thing, and is most definitely not abuse.

    6 days ago
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    4,104 Tiper4062

    @TheMouse yes, and I think mods can also abuse

    6 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    You may think that, but its not. Its perfectly acceptable, otherwise the mods would not help with doing it.

    6 days ago
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    4,104 Tiper4062

    @TheMouse yeah I think it's cheating

    6 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Yes, the moderators do this to help us with the challenges. Its allowed. (The mods literally help us do it, how could it not be allowed?)

    6 days ago