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oh hey cool 4000 hits on my account

40.7k Majakalona  6 days ago

i did it using the hits counter thing, also the sun must be targeting so perfectly through the tree leaves and my window cover things to perfectly shine onto my laptop

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    10.8k dekanii

    uh oh, it broke
    the code broke, and uh
    i dont mind, who needs it anyway

    +1 3 days ago
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    10.8k dekanii

    @32 mhm, alr ill try to fix it

    +1 3 days ago
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    28.9k 32

    @dekanii no not really it's showing the github page for seeyoufarm

    +1 3 days ago
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    10.8k dekanii

    yeh i dont think anyone is actually using it

    +1 4 days ago
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    10.8k dekanii

    @32 ehh i dont mind, atleast its working fine

    +1 4 days ago
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    28.9k 32

    @dekanii yeah yours is setup incorrectly, you need to change the “target url” on the page, not just the link it takes you to

    +1 4 days ago
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    10.8k dekanii

    @32 Ah, thats why
    I set the link to my recent builds, cuz idk

    +1 5 days ago
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    28.9k 32

    Some people don't know how it works and set it to the hits page so they get millions of visits lol

    +1 5 days ago
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    From what date?

    +2 6 days ago
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    4,089 Tiper4062

    now I understand how it works!, I thought I had to press hit first but apparently not

    +1 6 days ago
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    29.2k Graingy


    +2 6 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle


    +1 6 days ago