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TFM Grand Air Aces v.s Brown Pearl

41.4k ShinyGemsBro  2 months ago
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    41.4k ShinyGemsBro

    @Alisuchanka - P-40F
    @GuyFolk - F-22A
    @Jundroo - Brown Pearl

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    1,460 SPsidearm

    "You don't mess with Black pearl. Despite it being a damn Pirate ship. We've lost one of our F-14s to that bastard. Get out of the area if you can. Eject if you can't." Norris ipsum of IFRA, 2045.

    one month ago
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    @DatFiat126Fan19 yeah I want a backstory now

    +1 2 months ago
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    27.3k 126

    So... what's the backstory shiny?

    +1 2 months ago