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Is there a remotely simple way to get a rotator to respond to angle of attack?

1,814 Subsere  8 months ago

I've been messing around with some ways to avoid wingtip stall. My current semi-functional system, while very unrealistic, involves the ends of the wings being attached to rotators tied to the pitch input. Unfortunately, that means it activates even when not at an angle of attack necessitating its function, likely reducing efficiency.

Proper FT understanding is well beyond me, so I was curious if it was possible to summarize the important bits to something I could interpret/use? If not possible, no worries.

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    1,814 Subsere

    I may have to restate things.
    I actually need to have some basic explanation on what something MEANS.
    Just being given a line of code isn't very useful as I have no idea what to do with it or what to change if it needs tweaking to fit my needs.

    Pinned 8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @Ku I don’t think It really moved at all. Keep in mind, I copy and pasted it.
    I’d have to check another day. I have other plans for today, unfortunately.

    8 months ago
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    17.5k Ku

    @OrangeConnor2 did the elevator completely not respond or did not respond in the way you wanted

    If the elevator completely stop moving you may have a typo in the input

    If it’s just not responding in the way you wanted, as I said, mess around with the number

    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @Ku I think I tried that, I don’t believe it worked.

    8 months ago
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    17.5k Ku

    @OrangeConnor2 Overload Pitch input

    +1 8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @3AKOTOB I am aware of the instructions, but it is daunting and I am incredibly bad at interpreting written instructions. That’s the sort of thing someone like me would need an actual lesson on.
    Thanks for the added informations. I’ve pretty much abandoned the project, but thanks anyways.
    What does floating aileron mean though?

    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @3AKOTOB It would've helped to have some idea of what the parts of the input mean.
    As I said, I do not have any FT experience. The point of of this forum was to see if anyone could simplify an explanation. Just having some code thrown at me isn't very useful.

    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @3AKOTOB Tried yours. When actively pitching the system is totally inactive, making it useless.
    The roll control is unnecessary.

    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere
    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @Ku Tried.
    I'm not entirely clear on where to put that.
    Variables? Overload pitch input?
    I'm referring to the rotator, to be clear.

    8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @Ku @3AKOTOB I will try those. Thank you.
    Though maybe, 3AKOTOB, use a hyperlink next time.

    8 months ago
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    17.5k Ku

    Too easy
    In your pitch control, copy in this
    mess around with the number at the end to get your desired result

    +2 8 months ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    I should note, it's currently only effective enough to barely wrestle control of the aircraft. Still much better than completely losing control, however.

    +2 8 months ago