How do I even begin?
2 weeks ago, someone named S####IsMyPookie terrorized the platform. Guess what? That was me.
To keep it short, I forgot that the mods could see IPs so eventually I got banned.
I’m sincerely sorry for all the terror I have caused. I’m sorry for everyone I targeted and I expect all of them to hate me. And you guys can cancel me if you want. Honestly even though my ban is lifted I will still be offline for a while.
I wanted some attention on the site because no one was bothering to look at my builds except all my close friends here so I guess I wanted attention, but I realize that this is not the way to gain attention. Again, I am so sorry.
See you all in an unpredictable amount of time.
Just to clarify: I am not leaving
Everybody in the community after you terrorized people:
BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!
upvote if you got terrorized.
Idk what your talking about because I was on Juno: New Origins at the time, and there’s literally no conflict there.
Can you guess who I am?
i smite upon thee for you sir hath committed thy devilish trick
“We’ve been duped!”
“We’ve been smeckledorfed!”
trying to get attention by saying those words are not the way to get attention, now you got a different type of attention.
@DeadlyDialga He sold US ALL!
He betrayed US ALL!
and possibly
Why though
bros trolling gone wrong
“My disappointment is immeasurable… and my day is ruined.”
-100,000 aura
Oh… Uh…. Whatever I can’t wait till the release of the LM-131
-1000000 Social credit!!!
You sold us out, wanker...
You freakin' TWAT!
@SamTheUncle @Transair56 @DatFiat126Fan19
I missed alot
@IceCraftGaming like uhh N word shit and some other
Plz don’t leave
satanismypookie was actually funny anyways I forgive you
“Send me nudes” etc.
@IceCraftGaming saying a bunch of nasty ass stuff into people for attention basically lmao
@DatFiat126Fan19 I see..
But what kind of terrorizing?