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What is the limit for a plane to still be simple?

9,941 Vitto191  3 days ago

In 2 whole years on the website and game, this question has always come to my mind:

"Why do people try to do complex and difficult things in a simple game?"

I honestly don't know the answer, as I have always valued fun above realism in SimplePlanes, since let's be honest... The objects we use to build in the game are Cylinders and square wings (lol XD). Why do some people want so much realism in SimplePlanes? Like, if I wanted realism, wouldn't an aerial simulator game be better, like MSFS 2020, DCS or IL-2?

Ps: I don't want to offend anyone, nor your tastes, I just want your opinion, with respect obviously.

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    9,941 Vitto191

    In my opinion, the limit is just being fun to fly. It doesn't matter if it has 5 pieces or 900.

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    Part maximums
    150 parts (single engine prop)
    200 parts (dual engine prop, single engine jet)
    250 parts (dual engine jet, 3+ engine prop, dual engine if wwII bomber
    300-400 parts ( 3+ engine jet)
    Vr compatible cockpit but not too complex. Players are figuring out how to incorporate complex start, landing aids and auto pilot. None of theses are needed. engine start should be by switch or button, not auto.
    If combat aircraft a weapon safety should be included for multiplayer)
    Wings should be defined, but not too detailed. The stock planes are a great example of this.

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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    It's fun to go above and beyond, to test and push our skills.

    2 days ago
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    @Vitto191 Based
    from PEAs to full-scale replicas, I care about having fun

    2 days ago
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    @PlaneFlightX You’ve spent the last three years proving yourself to an amorphous collective of alleged individuals for a glimpse of pride lasting only as long as the middle comment.

    +1 2 days ago
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    @SamTheUncle That’s a rather good point. Technique is important.

    +1 2 days ago
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    Similar to what James said
    Why paint a single streak on a canvas and display it as a masterpiece when you can make a real masterpiece and display it as a masterpiece on a fundamentally simple sheet of canvas.
    Besides, MSFS, DCS, etc. don't allow you to fully unleash your creativity prowess like simpleplanes does.

    +1 3 days ago
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    Why do people try to create masterpieces when they could paint really simple things in art?

    3 days ago
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    47.3k PlaneFlightX

    As someone who's spent the last 3 years making the most detailed plane in the entire game, I just like building. I don't play flight simulators because I want to build the plane myself, and I don't just make planes for flight simulators because I'm quite good at SimplePlanes.

    +5 3 days ago
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    69.8k FlatterGuy

    I don't care about part count, as I see it's good looking, me upvote, me download (if it's mobile friendly though)

    3 days ago
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    6,102 Nyamomin

    I don't particularly want to have a large number of parts, but before I know it, the number of parts easily exceeds 1000. In my case, SP is just a tool to materialize my imagination. Whether it works on mobile is secondary. (It has a stronger role as a decoration.)

    3 days ago
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    @Vitto191 holy moly your pfp scared the hell out of me

    +1 3 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Simple has very little to do with part count. I could post a 1000 part cube, made of tiny blocks, and that would definitely not be “complicated”
    Simple has much more to do with how the plane is built.

    +2 3 days ago
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    Well, if we talk about the complexity of the build, then I would prefer at least medium quality.

    3 days ago
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    Realism has become one of the reasons why many players making fictional builds have switched to replicas or left.

    3 days ago
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    Because the majority of SP players are fans of these simulators and War Thunder (yes, some people think that WT is a realistic game).

    3 days ago
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    200k MAPA

    In my opinion: 600 Parts

    3 days ago