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14.8k airlinerbuilder  8 months ago


Hello everybody, here's a quick post for everyone that partecipated in the Microcar challenge. The entries were all pretty unique but sadly a lot of them have been disqualified.
Besides here's a list of all the entries that could get judged.

If you need a recap of the challenge here's the link and here's the ranking from top to bottom:

1°- "Sebring-Vanguard electric citicar" by Biological3DPrinter


-Looks= 9/10
I don't have anything to say really, it's just a really great replica of the original citicar up to the smallest detail, but to get a full 10/10 i would have liked some attention to the interior.
-Ride Quality= 9/10
The ride is brilliant, great suspension and great responsiveness of the controls
-Realism= 9/10
Still great, but i feel the lack of an interior still doesn't do this replica justice.
-Description Quality= 10/10
Well organized, easy to understand and straight to the point while containing just about everything there's to know about the original
-Rule Accuracy= 10/10
This entry respected just about anything about the challenge so yeah, full score!

Total= 9+/10 great job!

2°- "SBC Rinoch" by SCSP


-Looks= 8/10
Pretty simple looking and not as detailed as the citicar but it does have a unique style for the type of vehicle we'e talking about. Just 1 little complaint, i don't like the completely flat rear it does ruin the aesthetic a bit.
-Ride Quality= 7/10
It's a pretty stable car and it's very easy to drive but the low acceleration and the total lack of suspension do ruin the driving experience. But overall it's a good ride.
-Realism= 8/10
While i didn't praise the suspension and the acceleration in the previous point they do make the driving experience accurate to a real microcar, especially all 1950's microcars.
-Description Quality= 5/10
There's no lore so sadly i have to take off a lot of points for that. But the description is still pretty functional so it's still not bad.
-Rule Accuracy= 10/10
Same as the Citicar, it respected all of the rules well, so yeah full score for you!

Total= 8-/10 Overall good entry but some things could have been better

3°- "concept 154 '20hp max speed test' " by 30


-Looks= 7/10
The car does have its own personality and i like the streamlined shape, but it's a bit too basic in terms of build quality so i'd judge it as decent enough.
-Ride-Quality= 4/10
The car handles pretty bad. The combination of high acceleration, high speed and the PAINFULLY large turning circle don't help in creating a good experience. Do you know what else is affected by this?..
-Realism= 5/10
...Yeah, as i said i found the car way to fast for what it is and the turning circle is just terrible, the only realistic part of the car is the "home-made" simple constuction that is referenced in the lore.
-Description Quality= 6/10
The lore is ok, but i found the description as a whole a bit basic.
-Rule Accuracy= 9/10
Respects all of the rules but some more detail on the car would have been nice since it barely respects the minimum part requirement

Total= 6+/10 Not a bad entry but it really feels "undercooked" if you get what i mean, still i respect the effort.

EXTRA- 1990 Keiryo “Towa” 600TT by BadahhMuscleCar001


Before going in the numbers, this entry needs some explaining.
Since i can't access the creator's profile i can't give the prize but the build is still accessable and it respects all the rules so it seems unfair to not judge it.
So i decided to grade it just like the other entries but it's not part of the ranking so it won't be getting any prize.
But if it were in the ranking it would be at 2° place.

-Looks= 9/10
Just a great looking little kei-car. That's about it.
-Ride-Quality= 8/10
A pretty fun ride! I can't stop drifting this thing! the only issue i found is that sometimes the lack of suspension can make the ride pretty bouncy but other than that it's a lot of fun on flat surfaces.
-Realism= 8/10
It seems pretty accurate to how a real modded kei-car would look and behave even if it's not the most realistic thing
-Description Quality= 10/10
Well organized and easy to understand, fantastic!
-Rule Accuracy= 8/10
It does respect the rules well but as i said i do have to take points off for being longer than the 3 meter limit.

Total= 8.5/10 A great little car, it's sad that i can't give the prize for it.

Thanks for joining the challenge, i'll slowly give the prizes during the rest of the month.
If you have any complaint or question don't be afraid to write a comment.
If you had fun i hope you'll stick around and have a nice day!

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    @SamTheUncle i forgor 💀

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