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Two new cannons for two new ships

22.6k KPLBall  3 months ago

Take a guess

Cannon 1

Cannon 2

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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 exactly

    2 months ago
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    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 only for me

    2 months ago
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    I wasn't aware scaling an entire craft did that?

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 just have to say everytime I do I have to rebuild the entire thing because they dont stick together

    2 months ago
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    It does every single part at once, you just need to uncheck a box. It can even scale mass and engine power, though not drag.

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 nahh I'm good it'll take too long with whole ships (both ships are ready)

    2 months ago
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    Use Fine Tuner to rescale the whole thing, maybe?

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 wasn't paying attention and took to long to build the hull so made it scale to the hull

    2 months ago
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    But why not?

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 still not same scale sorry

    2 months ago
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    I meant relative to the runway

    2 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    oh, im too late
    nvm, atleast i can see it

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @dekanii Custom Defect just guess the two ship types
    (Actually one is already up The USS PARKER is cannon 1)

    2 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    what timeline is this?

    2 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @KPLBall ah alr, this particular turret is for cruisers, isnt it?

    2 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @OrangeConnor2 they aren't the same scale as the tank

    3 months ago
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    Those look vastly larger than 127 and 203.

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    @dekanii cannon one is 5in
    Cannon 2 is 8in

    3 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    might get some clue from just a little info

    3 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    Clue pls, what inch?

    3 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Not a ship guy, sorry.

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    Any guesses

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KPLBall

    Thanks to @STLTitans for the T29 Chassis used in this

    +1 3 months ago