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[T-C War] Day 0: The First Landings

77.5k TheUltimatePlaneLover  7 months ago

We're back. TC War News!

This will be the MDA's greatest battle since the M-War!

First things first, hopefully MIGFOXHOUND and Crestel can postpone the Sir- Crestan Conflict in favor of working together against the threat that is Typo1.

What started as simply disrespecting the MDA turned into a heated battle when a Typo1 tank approached, attacked, and annihilated an MDA vehicle. The vehicle in question was an MDA-S Crusader MK1, albeit armed, non-hostile. Furthermore, this was accompanied by threats to the entirety of the MDA. Being that Typo1 is allegedly related to of one of the MDA's new members, KPLBall, this war has quickly turned heated, dangerous, and personal. Ironically though, the one person who in all honesty at first had nothing to do with this, was also the first one to deploy a myriad of weapons to the battlefield. Of course, this is TUPL.

All photos are in chronological order for this time. Enjoy!

Sleep is not an option. An F/A-32A and SK-3, both of whom are M-War veterans, leave Wright first thing in the morning to enter combat on Snowstone- again.

A-40Bs make a terrifying noise, but four B-8Bs is just as scary- especially when you know what they're going to do.

Not as bright, and not as early, but still bright-ish and early-ish. The ever passive yet loyal C-19 delivers the one and only M54A2 Shrike to the scene. She appears to be aware of our cameraman (and yes, we mean she- apparently, most MDA tanks, at least those built by TUPL, run on artificial sentience).

The M49 Shock with all variants combined (including the M49-LTD Literal Tank Destroyer) outnumbers every modern tank. This was not fully shown the M-War, but a promise from the MDA looks to change that. Its already beginning, with a squadron of three Shocks descending into the Tundra Wasteland.

M54A2 Shrike with FIVE Shocks. That might not seem like a lot, but most missions in the M-War had at most three friendly tanks at a time. To make matters scarier, none of these M49A3s are the same ones in the previous picture, however, four of these are veterans from the M-War.

War is good for the economy, especially if you're a new or forgotten plane. Maybe they have a chance to make a name for themselves?

Air superiority is not needed against an enemy with virtually no aircraft, but TUPL doesn't care. The Phoenix-Attack has been deployed. The F/A-29A Interdictor, on the other hand, can fulfill any given role. May they succeed, or at least die gloriously and claw their way out of oblivion.

Another new MDA weapon, the 2S3M "Akatsiya" (TUPL uses Soviet artillery now, deal with it), drifts on Snowstone as if asserting its dominance over the insurgents.

A TVM-155 and M49A3- respectively built and owned by CrestelAeronautics- advance on Snowstone in the middle of the night.

You can't see it, but Shrike finally got her Snowstone Ice Camo Drip. Even as clouds roll in, the deadly rookie that is the M54A2 has no fear as she treads the snow with M-War veteran and friend of Snowstone, Tonk. You can barely see him, but that'll change when the sun comes up.

Numerous other aircraft and tanks were deployed, including the famous TVT-FT, TK-3, Enargite VII, and, you guessed it, the A-40B. Said vehicles were not photographed for confidentiality purposes, as, according to TUPL officials, "we want them to know we're coming, but we don't want them to know from where, how many, or when."
-Probably Steve

Now for some important politics, the ruler of Snowstone, LunarEclipseSP, has officially addressed Typo1 as an insurgent. Official message of Thy Royal Baller:

"Alright, listen up! We're currently in a tight situation! A local insurgency has been rumoured around the cold land of Snowstone. The rebel forces believed to be a rebellious movement of TypoA. So we have to deploy our available troops to deal with them."
-Lunar Eclipse, The Goddess of Snowstone, Her Majestic Baller

With all this in mind, Snowstone citizens can rest safe, while Typo and Callsign best stay on their heels. Maybe a tad bit of a biased article, but let's just be honest; claims of the MDA having inferior technology have been proven false several times. We hate to be biased, but in reality, our newspaper is no more one MDA-favored than this war.

That's all the news,

Tune in next time, when'ver that may be!

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    We're doin this again bois

    Also sorry for two articles in one night, but hey, war moves fast and waits for no one!

    Pinned 7 months ago
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    @windshifter1 Simply a Representative And CEO of SkyStrike Industries & Aircraft

    7 months ago
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    Don't give me PTSD

    7 months ago
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    Interesting. Sort reminded me how the gleipnir fleet repeatedly Shock Cannon-ed krakabloa during the Monarchii War. Shame we didn't make it for this one.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @Dracul0Anderson Already over, but sort of because a self destruct
    Typo1 committed war crimes and got basically the entire SimpleVerse against him, but we've signed a treaty and he'll now be surrendering to LunarEclipseSP.

    +1 7 months ago
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    37.9k Marulk

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 read my statement please

    7 months ago
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    How is this, "TC War"?

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Again, the first two make sense, but the third isn't the case. The Sirens saw the MGLA (now MDA) as a small but viable threat, and wanted to help the Monarchii defeat them so they could backstab the Monarchii and take over this universe, but that didn't quite happen.

    7 months ago
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    51.4k ShinyGemsBro

    1. Dimension is different from universe.
    2. Sirens can go into hyperspace or warp speed to shorten the time reaching a really far location. Saying they can jump dimensions is saying they can go to a different plane of reality, which is not the case, and none of you ever used the Siren vessels in any of your interactions or photos. Meaning they don't canonically exist in this little war, neither does the TFM.
    3. The TFM wouldn't waste their ordnance, hardware, and manpower on stuff like this. They never jumped into the Monarchii War seriously for a reason.

    7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 You are correct, this is the same universe as the M-War and thus the Siren War.
    -also PEAverse, Red V Green, Crestan Conflict, and Baguette War

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro The first part I can stand with, the second part wouldn't be the case though.
    The MDA exists in the Combined SImpleverse, the same universe where the M-War took place. The Sirens' invasion started after the M-War, so they are in the same universe. However, Sirens can jump dimensions, so if that's happened enough times already, yes, this would be in a different universe, but this is the same universe as the M-War, which the Sirens first appeared in.

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro no it isn’t (if I’m not tripping) same universe as the M-war

    +1 7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Ah aight

    7 months ago
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    51.4k ShinyGemsBro

    I don't care about this war and this is happening on an entirely different universe.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover no he didn’t, I’m just telling him about it since he went to wright

    +1 7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Wait Shiny joined the insurgency too? Or is he helping us fight the insurgency?

    7 months ago
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    @TypoA Even better, tanks are big and easy to spot

    7 months ago
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    @TypoA @shinygemsbro this guy is a insurgent from snowstone and he left to wright, I believe the TFM is stationed there so, jump him

    7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 what is the TFM

    7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover some did

    7 months ago
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    @Pakkoyan Uh oh

    +1 7 months ago
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    @TypoA You did, but your tanks didn't :)

    7 months ago
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    @Suipa hand extension here

    7 months ago
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    @TypoA do you want me to drag the TFM into this

    7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I moved to wright

    7 months ago
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