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T-C War tank captured

19.2k KPLBall  2 months ago

On July 14th at 3:00AM Three C-20 Short Launches took off from Yeager airport carrying three MDA-S Charioteer APCs and two MDA-S Crusader light tanks to the mountain road on Wright Island.

Once reaching the target designation the tanks parachuted out of their C-20s ready to capture and Tow the New Imperial Jaguar II Super Heavy.

After landing they made their dangerous trek to the area where a Jaguar II was hidden with special camo made to look like the terrain.
After capturing the Jaguar II they brought it to where three C-20s were waiting.

After finding out the Jaguar II was so big they had to take it apart they called another C-20 to take the remaining MDA-S Crusader MK1.
After the Jaguar was loaded up the C-20s returned to Yeager unharmed.

After landing the Imperial Jaguar II was unloaded and put in a test facility for testing
Even today only the MDA knows where the Imperial Jaguar II is and what we are doing with it.

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    @TypoA Sorry man
    But this is war :)

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover YOOOO YOU RICK ROLLED HIM

    +1 2 months ago
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    645 TypoA

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover you rude :(

    +1 2 months ago
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    [REDACTED]? It's hard to explain, but I can give you access

    2 months ago
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    645 TypoA

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @KPLBall what is redacted

    2 months ago
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    645 TypoA

    @KPLBall aw you rude

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover affirmative

    2 months ago
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    @KPLBall aight now proceed to our [REDACTED]

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover oh haha

    +1 2 months ago
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    @KPLBall Oh right Wright doesn't have landing lights
    The mountain threw me off lol

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover no Yeager airport

    2 months ago
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    This is great, but uh, is that Wright in the last picture??

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @TypoA sucka
    Pierdol się

    2 months ago
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    645 TypoA

    @KPLBall noooo not ma precious 1 of 2 prototype

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    2 months ago