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[T-C WAR] Forum that @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 needed to post but couldn’t for, reasons

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  8 months ago

-insert data set-
Data loading…
Running new instance…
Running application…
Instance loaded!

Computer: System active, displaying data.

Weather: mostly clear
Time: 11:30 EYT (Eastern Yeager Time)
Seas: calm, mid tide

Subgect: Crestel-1
Callsign: Nova
WSO Callsign: Galaxy


Hey guys pre-report note
Most of you guys know nova, but as Project X 2.0 is a tandem he needs a WSO
And that’s where galaxy comes in, so everyone say hi to him. Now let’s get to the report

Computer: Display complete, showing video footage

MC: Nova, galaxy, you are to takeoff in the A-5 and head to wright, when you are over section 2 drop the nuke, the immediately turn around and head back to base.
Nova & Galaxy: Affirmative

Nova: I can’t believe I’m really doing this
Galaxy: well TypoA needs to be shown that nuking civilians is unacceptable
Nova: yeah that’s right
Nova: we are en route
Galaxy we are 60 seconds from target
60 seconds later

Nova: over the target
Galaxy: 1.2..3…drop

Galaxy: nuke dropped
MC: RTB quickly
Nova: affirmative

10 seconds later

Galaxy: looks like it went off
Nova: Yeah no kidding
they returned to base

Nova: Well that should teach him
Galaxy: yep

Posted by: CrestelAeronautics

AC-IND. production, do not use unless given permission to

Computer: Display complete!

-end of data set-