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[TC-War] Day 1; Tragedy, Tanks, an- oh that was quick.

80.8k TheUltimatePlaneLover  8 months ago

TC War News...?

That was the fastest war in all of history bruh

Typo-Callsign War news...
Let's skip the pleasantries, we've got a lot to talk about and not a lot of time to do it!

So, all the action has already happened, so this is a recollection of the events;

Day 1 started with the MDA's forces advancing across the islands. Many tanks began their incursion into Snowstone to defeat Typo1's tanks. They were incredibly successful, also receiving help from the people of Snowstone. Photographic evidence is yet to be obtained, but the AMX-10M claimed that several Snowstonian citizens managed to swarm and capture an Imperial Jaguar F1. Whether or not this is true is a different question, but we can confirm that the Snowstone Army does in fact have a Jaguar in their custody. The variant and means of capture, however, are not yet confirmed.

Also, Typo1 lost the ally that is CallsignGizmo, effectively making this the T-War. CallsignGizmo in question stood for peace, and ultimately dropped out for the most part. Pakkoyan, however, did assist Typo1 temporarily.

Three of Pakkoyan's Thairung Humvees which, for a short amount of time, aided Typo1 in his battle. Two were destroyed, but one survived, you're gonna find out why later.

An Enargite VII, in attempt to point-blank shoot a Jaguar, ended up front-to-side wedging it, resulting in this goofy picture. The caption in this case would probably be "is this really the guy who blew up a Crusader?" Surprisingly, the Jaguar was not harmed by the Enargite VII, who instead just left it on its side.

However, things quickly took a sharp turn on two fronts. First being Typo1 evacuated from Snowstone to Wright, which forced the division of MDA forces. This ultimately had no effect, since no one took advantage of this, but what happened next is the part everyone's talking about.

In what TUPL described as "a careless and brazen act of hatred and violence," Typo dropped a nuclear bomb on Snowstone. Although several MDA and Snowstone forces were eliminated, this ultimately saw more collateral losses, with many friendly forces and unfortunately civilians were taken out in the process, including the very bomber which delivered the nuke as well as the Jaguar and two Thairungs mentioned in our previous section. This act was ultimately the beginning of the end.
Pictures are in chronological order.

An Enargite VII "flexes" his battle scars after the nuke drop. Honestly we're not too surprised about this. The E. VII was based off of the Centurion, so no wonder it shrugs off a nuke. Unfortunately, not everyone on Snowstone is an Enargite VII...

An ACI-T Mark 1 roams Snowstone, trying to find his way as the nuclear waste clouds start to form.

Sometime after, the clouds have formed, the Mark 1 has found Tonk, who survived the nuke (somehow yet unsurprisingly). The two roam the Tundra to find survivors.

A lone, brave F/A-32A flies deep into the still cloud-covered Snowstone to strike down one of Typo1's two remaining nukes. The strike was successful, and the nuke was disabled. This is the F/A-32A flown by Lisa "Marauder" Mitchell, one of the highest-scoring Striker pilots of the M-War.

To give you an idea of just how devastating the attack was to Snowstone, here's what the sky looked like at 36,000 feet just mere minutes after the first picture. In more direct terms, the sky is actually blue and clear, that ominous-looking night scene is actually just a result of nuclear waste clouds- the terrifying reality of a nuke's consequences and aftermath.

Although the nuclear attack was powerful, it was ultimately the downfall of the war. Unsurprisingly, no one was happy about Snowstone being nuked with such intentions (or lack thereof) and results. Almost the entire combined SimpleVerse decided to act against this, everything from war members like Pakkoyan defecting from the Snowstone Insurgency or the MDA agreeing to go all-out until it was done, to completely unrelated parties getting involved, like Green Team offering several supplies and shelters to the people of Snowstone, or the NMR literally conducting immediate strikes where Typo1 was believed to be. Yeah, you forgot they existed, didn't you? Don't worry, though, Ivan didn't turn anyone into an anime girl... yet.

However, even with the entire world imploding in on the Insurgency, politics were the true winners of the war. It was decided that peace should be found through a treaty, but at the cost that Typo1 surrender to the queen of the land he nuked, that would be respectively LunarEclipseSP and Snowstone. All went smoothly, and the war ultimately lasted less than 24 hours. Wow.

The only M54A2 Shrike and 2S3M Akatsiya ever built both land safely at Wright via C-19 Hefty. Can we just give Hefty a toast real quick? He's been working non-stop transporting both weapons for the MDA and resources for the people of Snowstone. He's actually a chad for real.

A Crestan CFA-44 prepares to strike Wright to get back at the Insurgency.

Ditto, but now diving in to begin the actual attack.

The NMR's own MiG-15bis "Mitchell" flies to Wright, even they didn't tolerate this apparently.

Takusha, the leader of the NMR, blasts towards the bunker, pure rage in her non-existent eyes. Takusha personally considers Snowstone her childhood home.

A TK-3 prepares to unleash havoc upon Wright, delivering its own nuke to Typo1's bunker.

It's finally happened. Feast your eyes on the sight that is the A-40C Havoc II and Skywolf 3.0 finally flying together in a combat mission.


Camera view of a Jaguar as a TVT-FT and TVM-155 ambush and destroy it.

Shrike and the damaged Enargite VII from earlier tread into the bunker lines to finally end this war.

Nighttime, finally at peace. Cy already had his "here we go again" livery on, but the war ended before he could do anything. Not even before he could do anything useful, just before he could do anything at all, he was tryna cook some eggs and the war finished before he could do that. He still wanted the photographer to get him though.

The next morning, the MDA's LCS Unimpeded ultimately became the grounds where the treaty was officially signed, though the war was technically over the day before. Hefty takes off in the background to deliver more resources to Snowstone.

That's all.

Guess the war is over. Maybe a bit anti-climactic, but at the end of the day, we fight wars to achieve peace, which is what we have now. See you later everyone!

-CallsignGizmo (formerly)
-Pakkoyan (formerly, now with Snowstone)

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  • Profile image

    @JSTQ Oof lol
    Very inspiring words, I guess it's better to try if it's the right thing, eh?

    8 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    When I first heard about this war, I was still pondering why the other side dared to launch an armed conflict with an incomplete military system, and soon saw the news of his surrender.
    Perhaps what chinese people say:不试则已,试试就逝世。Just talking about this kind of person.

    +1 8 months ago
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    @Rb2h Real

    8 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics I don't know, CA...

    8 months ago
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    9,946 Rb2h

    the 30 minute war

    +1 8 months ago
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    “We fight wars to achive peace”
    << What have Borders given us? >>

    +1 8 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover fair enough

    8 months ago
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    @KPLBall Ah right

    8 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Nope, I decided to add a twist to the story- it was your nuke, but Crestel's plane, a reminder that the MDA works together in a time of need. The picture right underneath the one with Takusha.

    8 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover did you forget that I nuked wright, which caused him to surrender

    +1 8 months ago
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    52.3k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover That was an annoying war
    (You forgot to mention the capture of the Imperial Jaguar II btw)

    +1 8 months ago
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    @windshifter1 Correct

    8 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover lol thats a good joke
    Anyway, yeah, I agree. They have no idea its full power yet. Since it was in testing, it didn't participate in the war, right?

    +1 8 months ago
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    @windshifter1 Hey, better to leak a ship than for the ship to leak
    Besides, no one has seen its full power yet...

    8 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover You leaked my ship :) Its not released yet...
    Nah never mind, it builds suspense

    8 months ago
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    You are welcome

    8 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics I'm not still alive but thanks for asking ,):>

    8 months ago
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    Ah shoot, messed up the first one
    It was supposed to say:
    << yo buddy, still alive? >> yes, I had to, this was my plan

    8 months ago
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    Q J
    B U G D Y
    S T I L L
    A L I V E

    8 months ago
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    Each | seperates each letter

    8 months ago
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    GT O J??

    8 months ago
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    mabye this will help:

    8 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics I tried, all I got was TTET TTT TEEE, and so on so forth with every dash being a T and every period being an E.

    8 months ago
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    Morse code, not inverse, now decode it

    8 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics ...what?

    8 months ago
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