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White/bronze rank user starter pack

20.5k LM0418  2 months ago

NOTE: this is only a joke. Learn to take one.


-A generic gravatar
-(Some) stunning builds go unnoticed
-“ewww bad plane”
-“very bad expected lower parts downvoted”
-“plz android mod I will downvote if no”
-Starts beef with ppl for no random reason
-Has a strange addiction to aviation disasters and airliners (especially the dc-10)

Again, this is only a joke. Not all white/bronze rank players are like this and I have met a lot of these low rank players I personally like.

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    20.5k LM0418

    @LowtusF139 oh yeaaaa

    2 months ago
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    10.2k LowtusF139

    You forgot another thing:

    Where Android Mod

    2 months ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    @ShinyGemsBro spot on lmao

    +2 2 months ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro
    • what i did over the past few seconds forum posts
    • i quit cause i didnt get enough upvotes
    • why no mods for mobile
    • my future planned builds proceeds to go inactive for 5 months

    Anything I missed?

    +6 2 months ago
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    Oh hey, it's you.
    I hope you've thought long and hard about your actions.

    +1 2 months ago
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    never was that person


    +3 2 months ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    @Numbers2 I mean some of them grow up by the time they get to silver but yeah sometimes some silver ranks have qualities like these

    +1 2 months ago
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    1,989 Numbers2

    What about silver

    +1 2 months ago
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    27.3k 126

    fr, i used to be almost just like them, glad i stopped doing these goofy ahh tropes

    +2 2 months ago