@Lemonsharkii Nazi symbols etc can only be used on replcia aircraft for historical accuracy. It isn't allowed on fictional planes I believe. Either that or someone doesn't like you and reported your plane 3 times and the automod removed it or something. Idk.
@Lemonsharkii you can also make a bug report. I've had posts reinstated in the past.
@jamesPLANESii hmm, good enough i think I'll post it again but updated and enhanced.
Only when after i make another ship
@Lemonsharkii Nazi symbols etc can only be used on replcia aircraft for historical accuracy. It isn't allowed on fictional planes I believe. Either that or someone doesn't like you and reported your plane 3 times and the automod removed it or something. Idk.
Most things don't get removed for no reason. Was there something against the rules about it?
@Lemonsharkii Huh. I thought historical accuracy was allowed...
@TheUltimatePlaneLover probably the 1945 germany word or something
But why? What was wrong with it??
@SamTheUncle even the creator of the post couldn't even be faster Then the Mouse 💀🔥🔥
I am TheMouse
@SamTheUncle that was so fast