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Nevermind actually

14.6k Randomplayer  2 months ago

Y?e?a?h? I? s?t?i?l?l? b?u?i?l?d? b?u?t? I? l?i?k?e? s?t?o?p? h?a?l?f? w?a?y? t?h?r?o?u?g?h? f?o?r? s?t?u?p?i?d? r?e?a?s?o?n?s?. I? w?i?l?l? b?e? a?c?t?i?v?e? b?u?t? y?e?a?h? I?’l?l? s?t?a?r?t? b?u?i?l?d?i?n?g? w?h?e?n? s?p?2? r?e?l?e?a?s?e? Nevermind I’ll just be remastering my old planes

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    14.6k Randomplayer

    Ok then… it looks like I had a stroke…

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer ok

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @Stephen22 I can’t really build tank and cars so I can’t I’m sorry

    one month ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer k

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @Stephen22 I’ll try

    one month ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer I have a great build for you

    Hey however much it takes to build a TIV-1
    TIV stands for
    Tornado intercept vehicle

    It's full name is

    Tornado intercept vehicle 1

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @Stephen22 its okie

    one month ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer sorry I didn't see i am not on this app very much anymore

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @Stephen22 guud, you?

    one month ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer ye how you been doing?

    one month ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @Stephen22 I remember you

    one month ago
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    1,598 Stephen22

    @Randomplayer I think you did have one
    You might or you might not remember me

    one month ago