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[Siren War] Omitter Attacks

28.6k Dracul0Anderson  7 months ago

from The Pteraspis Gazette.

Aerial Sergeant Popper fights off Omitter, saving Silver Sea Megafloat.

At around 2:00PM GMT, Siren Omitter attacked the Silver Sea Megafloat, along with a force of Executor mechs. However, the aerial and sea fleets where able to quickly respond, fending off the attackers, with legendary ace Niklas Popper managing to deal significant damage to Siren Omitter.

Early in the morning, a patrolling Hawker Siddeley P.139B detected a siren warship warped some eighty miles from the recently constructed Silver Sea Megafloat. Modified Dassault Mirage IVs identified the vessel as Omitter, along with several Oceana mechs. They began rapidly closing the distance, heading straight for the megafloat. Immediately, Thor-class battleships began raining missiles at the sirens, but Omitter obliterated the defenders with ease.


Sky Fortress class Airborne Aircraft Carriers(AACs) Azura and Spire launch aircraft to intercept the sirens, with Aerial Sergeant Popper among them. They quickly engage the attacking force, with the Executors proving difficult to hit. Omitter wasn't a picnic either, letting loose a barrage of countermeasures, even attempting to hit the fighters. However, A.Sgt Popper managed to landing three hits on Omitter, making repeated strafing runs. Other fighters where also able to get hits on Omitter, along with destroying most of the mechs.


After around thirty minutes, Omitter wheeled around, ripping open a portal that it retreated into. A.Sgt Popper let loose his remaining missiles into the portal, nearly entering it in the process. The remaining mechs followed, with one getting destroyed as it entered. The fighters returned to their respective AACs, as rescue operations for the destroyed battleships commenced.

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    7 months ago
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    50.4k ShinyGemsBro

    Watcher Gamma: knuckle cracking with her VLS cells lighting up Did someone say FRIENDS??

    +1 7 months ago
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    Omitter is not done causing chaos. She will be back, and with friends.

    7 months ago
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    50.4k ShinyGemsBro

    Watcher Theta: And we took that personally.

    +1 7 months ago