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5,779 QuantityPlayer  one month ago

yesterday I logged in to another account in the game, when I wanted to share my creation I forgot to log out and log in to the main account, as a result I accidentally uploaded it to another account when it was canceled while it was being uploaded, I thought it was really cancelled, then after that I logged into the main account to upload it, after editing and so on then I looked at the newest plane, I was so surprised that my other account uploaded my creation first and it wasn't cancelled. good, now they know...

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    @Majakalona I forgot to do it. In the past I never uploaded to Unlisted, that was the reason why sometimes crafts had problems, I once uploaded a land vehicle but when I downloaded it turned out I forgot to remove the weight of the fuel tank that I had made which had a lot of fuel, which made the vehicle unable to load. withstanding a very unreasonable weight of fuel, not long after I immediately removed it, as a result people didn't like me because they were presented with failed and boring things.

    +1 one month ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    Always upload unlisted.
    i don't follow by that rule much but I'd your doing something then do that

    one month ago