We're back at war again, yippeeeee
No need to over-explain, because there isn't really anything to explain. This war started abruptly and unexpectedly as a result of TitanicBuff dropping a nuclear bomb on the MDA's homebase, Yeager Airport. The airport and its surroundings, along with several MDA vehicles, were badly damaged. Reports are still coming in, but so far the losses include:
-M49A3 Shock, 38 damaged, 11 destroyed
-M49A4 Shock, 2 damaged, 4 destroyed
-M51A1 Smolbean, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-M54A2 Shrike, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-SK-3, 14 damaged, 1 destroyed
-TVT-100, 19 damaged, 12 destroyed
-LVL-100, 4 damaged, 16 destroyed
-TVAA-30R, 2 damaged, 0 destroyed
-TVM-155, 0 damaged, 1 destroyed
-Le Tonk, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-Da Tunk, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-AMX-10M, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-TVF-100-24, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-AAA-100, 3 damaged, 1 destroyed
-TVD-155, 2 damaged, 0 destroyed
-TK-3, 0 damaged, 3 destroyed
-F/A-32A, 15 damaged, 7 destroyed
-A-40B, 2 damaged, 0 destroyed
-F-11Y3, 4 damaged, 1 destroyed
-Enargite VII, 8 damaged, 0 destroyed
-Skywolf 3.0, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed
-XB-29 Tiltwing Superfortress, 23 damaged, 0 destroyed
-F/A-29A Interdictor, 2 damaged, 1 destroyed
-F-29A Intimidator, 15 damaged, 15 destroyed
-F-33 Falchion (all variants included), 16 damaged, 3 destroyed (all destroyed F-33s were A-variants)
-Lagwing, 1 damaged, 0 destroyed- Lagwing was airborne at the time of the attack, and attempted to shoot down the bomber. He was able to badly damaged it, but not before the nuke was dropped. Lagwing was thankfully high enough to avoid any immediate effects of the bomb, but instead was damaged when the bomber's remnants crashed into it, along with several pieces of shrapnel from the nuked ground. Lagwing thankfully survived, however, and will be going to an undisclosed location for repairs.
Thankfully, many of the MDA's resources, including their museum, was spared due to being built underground. But regardless, the act that is atomic bombing of course sparked an instant war, which will continue tomorrow through the ash and haze. For now, witness a few pictures taken of the mayhem.
One of the Enargite VIIs emerges from his sleeping spot immediately after the nuke. Don't let the sky fool you, this is moments before the cloud arrives...
-Tidbit; this Enargite VII was used in the TC-War, and suffered a nuke hit there as well. You have seen him before, but you probably don't remember him. Change that, because he's certainly going to appear again.
The fallout clouds begin to form, but the MDAAF has no fear, an SK-3 scrambling immediately to counter the attackers. Normally it would fly in formation, but its wing-planes are all grounded.
Camera view of a TVAA-30R looking up to see an F-36A Phoenix-Attack scramble as well for immediate retaliation. The sky might appear to be night, but behind the fallout clouds lies a clear blue afternoon sky, a sobering reminder of the true extent of a nuke's destruction.
-Speaking of which, who even legalized nuclear bombs in this universe? We have too many madlads running around nuking everything.
The AMX-10M, tired but alive, fires a flare into the sky in hopes of someone seeing the distress call.
Hefty to the rescue! C-19 rushes to his homebase with supplies as soon as he hears the news.
One of four A-40Cs sits on the scorched runway enraged, ready to strike as soon as the green flag is out. Allegedly, the A-40C said, "whoever did this, I hope they had fun so they can go down laughing like the Disney villain they are."
Huh? Who's this? Once it's ACTUALLY nighttime, MDA launches a surprise aircraft from Snowstone...
@TheUltimatePlaneLover now i'm prepared my weapons to repel TB:
Soko J-20 Kraguj for Attacking TB's ground forces
RTAF U1-M for Reconnaissance and Light-Attack
X-13 for Attacking TB's air force and his bomber fleet
Tor. 813 for Patrol
HTMS Phali for Attacking TB's naval forces
The reason i'm deploying so many things this time because i want this terrorism to end fast
And Thairungs will not be operational this time since most of them got destroyed in the TC war so i'll deploy the J-20 instead lol
@JaxHere Uh windshifter has a link I think
@TheUltimatePlaneLover WHAT IS THE MDA FLAGGG
'Tis a story roleplay with collaborations
This looks cool, is this a challenge of some sort? I'm interested
So, if you right-click on an image, press the option "copy image address," then paste in the desired area.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Also which link do I use
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yea I used that, but it won’t show to me
@OmorJax I use imgbb, but I heard Gravatar is pretty good if the former doesn't work
@TheUltimatePlaneLover also what image hoster do you use, when I use mine it will just not show it
@OmorJax Yep
@TheUltimatePlaneLover even the north runway?
@OmorJax Eh, you can mobilize your forces, but an attack isn't necessary, Wright Airport is already free game, always has been
@TheUltimatePlaneLover also for lore can I launch an attack on the north wright runway so I have a base to launch from
@OmorJax Nope, no mods, all the "multiplayer" aircraft are AI. However, most of the time, the images actually write the story, not the other way around, meaning that most of the time, all of the events that take place in the stories are based on things that happened ingame.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover also is this like online? Cuz I heard There’s a mod that lets you play multiplayer, but I play on mobile so
Use this:
And put the image link in the parenthesis (copy the image address first). For example, if the image address is amogus, then I would type
And the image will appear
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yo how do you add photos to a forum?
@OmorJax Sure
@TheUltimatePlaneLover would a simple bomb work?
@OmorJax Just provide some weapons and you're good to go bro
@TheUltimatePlaneLover as like an ally or a supplier
@TheUltimatePlaneLover how can I join the war?
@TitanicBuff I didn't ask for surrender tho :v
@CrestelAeronautics Pleeease?