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XML help pls

126 subspacetripmine12  one month ago

I'm making a plane that can dive bomb and I'm trying to make it So these tiny super powerful engines activate once you start diving so that you go really fast, But I can't seem to figure out how to make it So the engines activate when your pitch angle is -70° or lower. Please, If someone can help me figure out how to do this , that would be wonderful.

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    this is a suggestion not a solution
    1-disable trim on your horizontal stabilizers
    2-Put the input of the engine to "Trim"
    3-when dive bombing put the trim lever all the way(idk If it's up or down) and it should activate the engines

    Pinned one month ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    "my dead cat ran across my keyboard" - Albert Aretz

    one month ago
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    8,192 Timplanes

    If you set the inputController for the engine to (Pitch < -70) then it should go to full power when your pitch is less than -70°

    one month ago