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[TB-War] The Final(?) Fight Against the Thermonuclear Psycopath

80.5k TheUltimatePlaneLover  7 months ago

Took me long enough!

Story written by @SILVERPANZER with TUPL contributions

The sun sets. An A-40C moves into position. The war rages on, even under the peaceful night skies. Yet this dusk was a moment of peace; no bullets flew just yet. He was having a good day. They were all having a good day.

Until the fog rolled in...

Command: Havoc! What's going on?!
A-40C 108: I don't really know.
Command: What do you see? What is it?!
A-40C 108: Uhm... I can't see anything. All I see is this stupid fog. I'm heading back to base.

With the Havoc out of the area, there was no one to oppose what was about to happen. So he struck.

Back from the dead, the Thermonuclear Psychopath charged down the mountains of the Wright Isles, eyes set on the Churchill that had taken him out when he was just an M-99. But in his blind rage, the TNP forgot one thing: he was going against a highly experienced tank hunter.

Already aware of the attack, Churchill simply waited for the TNP to get close. Then the fight started. Churchill had the better armor, more weapons, more experience, he was winning and by a surprisingly large margin. But then...
The sky turned red.
In a second wind fueled purely by rage and hatred, the TNP charged at Churchill with no sense of fear, pain, or caution- and it worked, albeit not without taking his own damages. Regardless, he had successfully dealt critical hits to Churchill, and he was on his last leg.

The TNP attacks with full force.

Stunned both mentally and physically, Churchill lies barely conscious, trying to limp away.

However, no comrades die that easily. Back for a rematch, Manface the Second appeared on the battlefield, armed, upgraded, and ready for a fight-

Charging into battle...
-Except he wasn't. He fired a few shots, but to little avail. He was quickly tackled by the TNP, and only survived due to his high speed and six wheels making for a swift escape.

...Badly damaged.

From the sky, help arrived. The T-59 tried his best to suppress the TNP, firing his laser on full. Unfortunately, though, the T-59 had received poor upgrades prior to the fight. The TNP took advantage of this, downing the T-59 and possessing him. Both the TNP and T-59 continued to now fly.

T-59 going down.

On the ground moments before possession.

But what's this? Someone put all their upgrade stats into aura. Like a steak knife cleaving through warm butter, a green light pierced through the fog with a wind that, surprisingly, blew away the foggy cover which the TNP loved so much. And if that wasn't bad enough, Thermo's real issue was the source of the force: Takusha.

The TNP wanted not a fight with a full-power Takusha, so he landed in a panic and sent the T-59 to deal with her. This would've been a good move, but Takusha was ready for it. After a short skirmish, she took down the T-59 with her EMP beam, and de-possessed it in the process.

Takusha flies away from the EMPed T-59, which can be seen in the blue circle.

With the fog gone, it was time for the rest of the agents to enact their plan; Operation Diversion was about to begin.

Several NMR tanks and drones, like the RD-06 and KV---------------2 shown above, began to group the possessed tanks towards Wright Airport. The KV---------------2 asserted absolute dominance, scaring even the TNP as his possessed tanks were slowly cornered onto the airfield. But even when surrounded and outnumbered, the TNP's enslaved tanks refused to go down without a fight.

XT3R "Faux 404" and two RD-06s tackle one of the two possessed BTA-60s.

The second BTA-60 was much more successful, effortlessly chucking an RD-06 into the air.

*A different RD-06 with wings added on falls and sinks into the water after a critical hit.

Absolute chaos, Ivan and Cy tackle two of the six possessed Imperial Cheetahs, that RD-06 is running from a different Cheetah, what's next?

Cy and an RD-06 tackling one of the Cheetahs, with the former using the latter's "tails" as a knife to cut the Cheetah's tracks.

The Cheetahs slowly fell, but the BTA-60s stood strong. Yet the NMR, Faux 404, and the massive army of RD-06s stood strong. Despite his small size, the Faux 404 did some of the biggest hits against the possessed Enargite VIIs.

Firing again as the BTA-60s finally start to retreat.

Faux using his smoke grenades to hide from the raging Enargite VII making a final stand.

One down, one to go. Faux and an RD-06 open hot pursuit on the final standing Enargite VII possessed by the TNP.

With his minions down, it's back to the TNP. Assuming the chaos had left everyone distracted, he looked around to finish off the Churchill and claim his revenge. Yet he didn't find the old tank hunter. Instead he found the Like and Subscribe button-
I need to sleep
Instead, he found Takusha waiting for him. Thus began the final battle of the final fight.

Takusha and Thermo fought fiercely, exchanging blows and retreating as needed. The fight also kept switching between air and ground, but one thing was certain; nobody was giving up. Takusha dealt quite a few good hits, as did the Thermonuclear Psychopath, but between top-of-the-line upgrades and sheer Soviet Bias, Takusha shrugged off most hits, albeit still struggling to lay the TNP low.

However, help came when it was needed most. Out of seemingly nowhere, Churchill returned with his "Crocodile II" attachment, shooting flames onto the TNP and virtually cooking it.

Critically wounded, the TNP fell down, only for the Churchill to tackle him and throw him into the ocean- just like last time. Thermo tried taking the Churchill into the water with him, but between Churchill's strength, the TNP's weakness, and Takusha interfering, the TNP would be alone as it plunged onto the water.

Top: Churchill and the Thermonuclear Psychopath slide down a hill, nearly out of control.
Bottom: The Thermonuclear Psychopath, virtually incapacitated, floats in the water, while Churchill clings onto the hill for dear life.

Sometime later, other NMR forces would arrive to recover the TNP.

Mitchell on his way.

The Thermonuclear Psychopath would be detained and studied, determined to figure out how he was created and how to stop him should he return.

However, out of the blue, as if possessed, Manface attacked Mitchell, firing several rounds at him- or more accurately he tried, but thanks to his heavy damage, his weapons were terribly off, instead striking the floor in front of him several times before charging at the MiG. Churchill, Ivan, and Mitchell proceeded to attack the seeming traitor, but he was quickly disabled by Takusha.

Mitchell: Wh- hey he's not moving.
Ivan: ?? ??????
Takusha: No, I've tranqed him. We don't need ANOTHER Thermonuclear Psychopath to deal with. Yet.
Collective: Yet?
Takusha: Well, of course, now that we have him in our custody, it's only right that we make our own Thermo-
Mitchell: Woah woah woah, you want to make more of them?!
Takusha: If we possess this power, we would be uns-
Ivan: ? ????? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???????
Everyone turns towards the POV in question
End of Transmission





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    @ShinyGemsBro don't do it
    pls bro
    it's not worth it

    at the same time tho my life is full of suffering
    do it but make sure I'm there so I can get a taste of it

    7 months ago
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    51.8k ShinyGemsBro

    The Judgement will destroy this world if the opposition says no

    7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ok

    7 months ago
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    @JSTQ Call all the staff

    +1 7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover em… You make me think about it. I will publish an article specifically, will I call you or all the staff?

    7 months ago
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    @JSTQ So uh
    What should we do

    7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Or perhaps MDA could consider doing this, but I'll forget about it. At most, I'm only responsible for treating prisoners of war. Although I don't have any troops there, I can dispatch professionals.
    Because according to my plan, I suddenly realized that it could easily become a communist revolution.

    7 months ago
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    @JSTQ oof ;-;

    7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Um... forget it, doing so inevitably involves politics and is very troublesome.

    7 months ago
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    There is a deeper meaning to everything
    You did it because you wanted to c̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ u̶p̶ spite me
    I did it because I sought advice and took it

    Besides, even if you didn't do it out of pure malice, dare I ask why it's OK for you to hit me on even larger scale out of sheer greed, whilst it's unacceptable for me to do it after several provocations? To be fair, you didn't stop even after you had well surpassed me, and I didn't do anything, so this clearly wasn't about catching up.

    7 months ago
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    @Vikram123 Uhmmm
    Oops :)

    7 months ago
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    @JSTQ Well yes actually, though I do have a few things to say

    1) There is a difference, TB was relentlessly and carelessly nuking anyone and everyone just because he had the chance, with no foresight on the physical, political, strategic, or ethical consequences. We, on the other hand, did bomb relentlessly, but we ensured that our collateral damage was minimized if existential.
    2) In the case that he did surrender, yes, we will withdraw all our weapons from Wright (aside from a few which we may donate to the people for self-defense), as well as try to be advocates for anti-war. Unfortunately, I will admit this is easier said than done, as it's very hard to avoid war when you literally take a nuke to the face.
    3) I agree, perhaps if we try to take a more peaceful route we could make the world safer, hmm?

    7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I am reflecting on a question. Although we all know that TB was the one who caused this war and disaster, MDA has been bombarding his troops so far, and they are also the children of their parents. Everything caused by TB, whether directly or indirectly, is suffered by the people, and he himself doesn't care at all.
    We are the righteous side in terms of morality and a solid force for maintaining peace in our stance, but we here are only constantly bombing, bombing, bombing. Apart from words, I cannot feel the difference between our side and the other side. It seems that we must slaughter the other side's army before we can make them surrender. Yes, he surrendered, but he is still alive. Indeed, war is cruel, but now that the enemy is retreating one after another, we have a great advantage. Can we make a slight change? For example, inciting anti war sentiment.
    War is a waste of money and labor. Referring to the anti war protests of Americans in the later period of the Vietnam War, it is one of the reasons for the withdrawal of American troops from the Vietnam War. Including here, without mind control technology, when at a disadvantage, military morale will naturally waver. And this war is unjust and unnecessary on his side. I think there is a high probability that we can assist the anti war voices of the military and civilians, expand their effectiveness, distribute anti war flyers, give preferential treatment to surrendered prisoners, and make people aware of our position through practical actions. We can make people realize that this war is completely unnecessary, and make them force or even resist the government.
    Although this is just a war role-playing, I believe it is the best way to solve some people's stubborn refusal to admit defeat. But due to the high difficulty of operation, I am not sure if others will use it, so I would like to ask for your opinion.

    7 months ago
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    I know you did that!!
    I was doing it because I wanted to catch up
    You did it because your wanting to return the favor blah blah blah

    7 months ago
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    52.3k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover youll see

    7 months ago
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    @KPLBall What's your idea?

    7 months ago
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    52.3k KPLBall

    I have an idea

    7 months ago
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    4,379 JSTQ

    Wow, The war is almost over. I hope ZG-3A will miss this war, otherwise she may be used soon

    +1 7 months ago
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    But that’s just a theory, an PEA theory!
    -WSO came up with that one

    7 months ago
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    @SPairforce Idk honestly lol

    7 months ago
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    @Randomplayer Good

    7 months ago
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    35.3k SPairforce

    When's the next post?

    7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover If NMR makes another TNP, I will make the most devastating weapon ever known

    7 months ago
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    1,812 JaxHere

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover oh ok I was so confused

    7 months ago
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    15.0k Randomplayer

    My steel mill will be up and running in 2 days!

    +1 7 months ago
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