- Procedural fuel tanks
I want to use the gas in my drop tanks before all the other tanks - Realistic engine sounds
The fighter jets just don’t sound like fighter jets. Make the sound better - Boom refueling
This would be fun in multiplayer - Slower engine/plane acceleration
The engines accelerate too fast - Block based coding / funkytrees
What if we could choose to use block coding like vizzy alongside the normal text version. Like maybe be able to convert text code to block code or the other way around - Better light rendering
I would like if lights could cast shadows - Free cam for editor
When you build something too big you can’t see the whole thing and sometimes the camera gets weird. - Expansion packs (idc if you actually add this)
Maybe you could have extra map packs since the main islands might get boring. Since they would be made by devs they could be added to ios.
My Simpleplanes 2 suggestions
Mod crazyplaness
5 months ago
I think what they would really benefit from is some good official mod support (unless they have it idk I ain’t a modded)
And the light in the game, it will wear a mold,No sense of boundaries,And when I use the lamp as a headlight,He can't shine on the ground,This doesn't look real
Just turn down engine power