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[Tutorial] how to spawn a friendly AI plane (in sandbox)

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  7 months ago

This is kind of off topic for what I normally post, but I just had to get it out

So, if you’ve played the "Bomber Escort" mission, then you would notice that if you clicked on the bomber, (in AtA targeting) it would be blue. (Instead of the normal green) this is because this is a friendly AI, which cannot be targeted by the player. (With guided weapons) If you want to replicate this in sandbox mode, then you should do this:

  1. Spawn at a "final aproach" spawn point
  2. (Optional) Spawn as "agressive" and it will act like a wingman
  3. There is no step 3

This has been stored in my head for like, 6 months, and I just saw lots of people asking how to do it; so here it is, and I think you can make whole squadrons with this, just make sure you have a strong PC! (Or my Plot-Armor iPhone-11)

Okay, that’s all, my first, and probably not last tutorial.

Bye! (Temporarily)