I want to gettin a little improve to my Builds by building custom wing, but i haven't see a tutor that recently out (i just see the older one like 5 years ago tutorials)
Plz hlep
I want to gettin a little improve to my Builds by building custom wing, but i haven't see a tutor that recently out (i just see the older one like 5 years ago tutorials)
Plz hlep
And there' me who would just said "i got a video for what you need."
(I will show more complicated maybe tomorrow)
@overlord5453 luckily @ZeroWithSlashedO just here
@overlord5453 luckily @ZeroWithSlashedO just here
@ZeroWithSlashedO oh, didn't know that a lot more easier than i expectin lol, btw tysm comrade
It's complicated. I don't think I can explain it in a comment.
I mean
you kinda just, use a fuselage block, adjust them (be sure to out 0 mass and drag), and stuff a hidden wing inside? Idk what else
ok, there is something else but what I usually do is I make a single fuselage block, and shape them into a wing
cut them off for the control surfaces, replicate that cut, just the opposite and attach a rotator into it
and then stuff a hidden wing inside that matches the dimensions of the fuselage block