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Can someone help this?

428 Kuruma234  6 months ago

So basically I wanted add some drift simulator created by @KSB24 to the car that I modified once I come to the variable setter everythings is alright but then when i was complete the last one some notification pop up and it say error due to name not defined, please can someone fix this?

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    @Kuruma234 There is a variable with no value in there somewhere. For example, let's say I have a variable called a with value 1 and variable b with value 3 in the variable setter. And i write a line of code that goes like a + b - y. This will give the same error because I haven't set a variable called y yet. And it's not an all ready existing funky trees out put like Altitude or Throttle.

    6 months ago
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    132k KSB24

    Oh or maybe because my code didn't find the "variable output" such as SS_R , SS_L WRPM_R and WRPM_L from two rear wheels. Try to give these names to each correct one at the variable output of each two rear wheels first, and then try to copy the codes to your car.
    (I'm not sure am english'ing right, especially when it goes complicate like this..)

    +1 6 months ago
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    132k KSB24

    Instead copying all the variables one by one youself, what about to copy all the variables from here to there at onece? But ofcourse, you have to make a backup before you doing this kind of action.

    +1 6 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @KSB24 can you take a look at what's wrong?

    6 months ago