The Maximum Altitude You Can Reach With Bug Its 2,147,483,647 ft
Its a Intreger limit on a 32 bit signed
Correct me if i wrong
So the sky in simple planes is 2,147,483,647ft
The Maximum Altitude You Can Reach With Bug Its 2,147,483,647 ft
Its a Intreger limit on a 32 bit signed
Correct me if i wrong
So the sky in simple planes is 2,147,483,647ft
@V1 what makes you so sure?
@WNP78 altitude and speed appear to be displayed in the HUD as a 32 bit signed integer, though I think FT displays speed and altitude as a float.
The entire universe in Simpleplanes is the sky
I don't see why the altitude would be stored as an integer, it's generally a floating point value, which has a much higher limit. The physics system also internally works in metres
@HudDistance earth in simpleplanes is round
That's an large sky...I thought SP took place on earth..