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1,877 TateNT34  one month ago


there has been some controversy behind my post, “UPVOTE ( or don’t)”. I now realize the mistakes I’ve made to posting that. I should’ve titled it “UPVOTE button” And posted it as unlisted so people cannot UPVOTE my creation. When I posted that I was not begging for UPVOTES , I just did that button because no one else had yet. This post has since been removed.

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    1,877 TateNT34

    Ya, I probably should’ve chosen Submit or some other button. 😬

    one month ago
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    27.3k 126

    @TateNT34 yes, apparently these kinds of posts are considered as both spam, and begging for upvotes which i can certainly see why.

    +1 one month ago
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    1,877 TateNT34

    Yeah, I just searched up “UPVOTE button” They must all be getting removed by the mods

    one month ago
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    1,877 TateNT34

    @126 oh ya, I meant recently. Majakalona hasn’t made it yet, but he said why. ( Mine was also pretty low effort)

    one month ago
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    27.3k 126

    dude- everyone that i seemed to know have made an upvote button, just look up upvote button here and you'll find tons and tons of low effort upvote buttons.

    +2 one month ago