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Jet engine as RotorRPM?

4,534 Commander9013  one month ago

I want my jet Engines to output as a RotorRPM but there's no Variable output for a Jet Engines so is there some funky tree magic that could fix that or am I screwed? Im using two Jet Engines and want them to out put separately if possible but not necessary!

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    @overlord5453 Thanks that helped alot

    15 days ago
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    5,510 overlord5453

    @Commander9013 go to the variable output menu and assign something to the Thrust variable like thr1 or somethig. And put it in text label like this {thr1}. It will show you how much thrust that specific engine is producing.
    You can get a percentage output by putting {100 * thr1 / (max value of thr1)} in. Putting it in a dial is bit more complicated.

    one month ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @Commander9013 you add it in the "Thrust" variable

    one month ago
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    @dekanii what's the thrust variable called 'cause I put in thurst in the input for the dial but nothing happens?

    one month ago
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    5,510 overlord5453

    Jet engines don't have rpm output. Instead they have thrust.

    one month ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    Use Thrust variable as RotorRPM

    one month ago
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    there is a variable output for jet engines.
    it's called Thrust

    one month ago