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Why the PEA Hate?

83.1k TheUltimatePlaneLover  7 months ago


I've seen a lot of people be hatin' on PEAs (which of course stings as a PEA-maker)
But the question that nobody bothers to ask; why? People often claim their reasons why, but I want full on explanations. Why do you hate PEAs?

And DON'T say it's because of the low-quality or rule-breaking PEAs, I've seen perfectly good PEAs fall victim to the hate.

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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover fr

    7 months ago
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    @Rjenteissussy ikr
    If you're tired of a trend overshadowing you, don't be bitter, embrace it lol

    +1 7 months ago
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    For me, I never hate these Instead accept these and be better. Pathetic people why they didn't build their own PEA that it can increase their worthless points...

    7 months ago
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    23.9k mikomiko

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover For a select few, yes they are intricate, but most PEA's are just really low effort, hell I once saw a PEA P-51 Mustang, it doesn't even remotely resemble a P-51.

    +2 7 months ago
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    Well whoever knows? Looks like this would gonna be the "Kalashnikov" moment for Chii

    +1 7 months ago
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    59.0k Pan

    @ollielebanania do you know what I'm tryna say? I'm not referring to anyone who makes them I'm only referring to a specific group of them who make it the whole personality. Not everyone.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I used to build them in like, a day. I know how much effort it takes to make one.

    And my stance is this. If a plane is lacking in detail, it should make up for in it's scale, (1:1 or as close as possible, and flight characteristics, as close to the real thing as possible.

    PEA's, at least from what I've seen, do not.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @JustAMiko for real haha, that was the good old time.

    7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I don't, I like mobile friendly builds or PEAs, if they are good of course, and I'm not known for making low part count builds. I'm making a mobile-friendly plane right now, kinda what we used to call PEAs at the time, and it ain't difficult, it's fun, challenging in some ways, but not more difficult or asking more effort than a high-end replica build.

    7 months ago
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    @StockPlanesRemastered @JustAMiko
    I mean, you'd be surprised how much effort PEAs take, how intricate they can be, but my point of view is this;
    Once you've seen, used, or even built the best, top-tier, highest part-count and quality builds out there, you sorta look down on everything else without a second thought. Believe me, I can't say much about realism, but try out some PEAs, they're actually not bad aside from that.

    7 months ago
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    23.9k mikomiko

    back in my day, they were called mobile friendly XD

    +3 7 months ago
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    23.9k mikomiko

    People use PEA as a excuse for not trying, Some PEA's are really good in their own and i can see effort made into them but most are just obvious upvote baiting builds with no care into it, In my opinion, Making an aircraft in this game is a form of art which you try your hardest to be better than you were yesterday by improving skills and trying new techniques with posting it on the site is simply optional if you want to show it to the world ofc. Seeing those upvote bait builds just rubs me the wrong way.

    +3 7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover low effort, low quality, and for some reason they get a tone of upvotes when compared to those of us who actually put in work and get nothing.

    When I started out, I made PEA's and got darn near reported for it. It was a different time back in 2016.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @ollielebanania yeah, if you noticed I stopped making them as often because I realized that doing it for upvotes was stupid, which is why I’m only making one last PEA since I’m not good enough to make semi realistic performing planes (like you said my PEAs where not true PEAs although I spent hours on all of them) in a low part count although I did try to make them as high-quality as possible

    +1 7 months ago
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    2,280 52REX

    @ollielebanania yeah indeed
    To sum things up PEA is a great concept that in some cases, unfortunately, serves as an excuse for some less skilled players to just never get good.
    As much as we may hate the upvote system, it helps new users get the bearings on what works and what doesn't around here, what is apreciated and what is not, if a beginner builder who makes beginner aircraft finds out he can get a lot more attention by simply calling his stuff PEA, they will most likely never improve. When I started playing this game, quite some time ago, I would look at high fidelity builds with admiration and I would wish to improve, new players who discover PEA can just tell themselves over and over "yes those builds are cool but that are not PEA" and get stuck building 90 parts planes.
    And indeed, well made PEAs are amazing to put it lightly but you nobody can tell me skills PEA builders like theultimateplanelover or monarchiii got their skills by building under the 90 parts limit.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @52REX It does make a lot of sense to me, we kinda share the same opinion on many points.
    The only thing I'd like to say is about what a PEA really is, people do think that a efficient build should be a low-part count build, but it ain't the case at all, as I said earlier :

    PEA stands for "part efficiency aircraft", just a quick remember that a part efficient plane isn't a "low part aircraft". A plane can be part efficient even if it has 1000 parts, as long as the builder who made it used ingenius ideas to save as much parts as possible but still reaching the quality and details he wanted to reach.

    Part efficienty is being economical in the way you choose and use the parts.
    Low part count is just a build with a "low" part count.
    If your build is sitting at 50 parts, but you used 20 of them to build your landing gears, in ain't efficient, if your build has 1000 parts and you used 50 of them for the landing gears, it's efficient.

    I do agree on the fact that people making only PEA won't ever progress, or at least they'll quickly reach a dead-end, but that's not really a bad thing, people build whatever they wanna build. Yeah they are missing an absolutely huge part of what this game has to offer, but ain't it called SimplePlanes after all ?

    There's actually only two points that pisses me off a little :

    1 : People hating on others because they get more upvotes thanks to putting PEA in the title of their builds, a lot of players are just way jealous and just care way too much about these useless internet points. I mean, if everybody know that the point system is broken for many reasons, why would they even bother think about it ? Just play for fun, it ain't no job.

    2 : People saying they build PEAs, but actually just make low part / quality builds and put PEA in the title of their crafts. It's miss-leading people that actually look for real PEAs, and it make people think that this is PEAs. Being a beginner isn't a issue, but don't hide it by saying you make PEAs.

    +3 7 months ago
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Yeah well there's the point, you say you did it because you saw it as a fun challenge, that sound like a good motivation, but doing it for upvotes ??
    Once again, I don't really care about them, but the point is, why would you care about them ? I mean, everyday I go to work to hget money, but when I do the stuff I like, I don't do it for money, it ain't wasted time tho, and not getting anything from the things I like won't make me stop doing these things. Same goes for SP, why would you try to catch upvotes ? I just don't get it, doing it for upvotes just sound like your playing SP like it was a part time job.
    Also, about your PEAs planes, for me they ain't PEA, they're just low part / quality planes.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @Pan I only make replicas, but that doesn't mean I made my personality around that, same goes for them.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover un-popular opinion : maturity is realising that fun is just the right amount of realism, not a plane that can take 20Gs.

    +1 7 months ago
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    2,280 52REX

    Honestly I've thought about this, I don't particularly hate PEA planes on their own, however, I think it's worth pointing out that in the situation in which a player decides to focus on PEA stuff as their main build style, their skills will stop developing, it's very easy to make a "perfect" PEA replica of something and that's simply because there is not a lot of room for improvement, how much are you really going to achieve with so few parts?
    I don't mean to say making PEAs is too easy, I am aware of the fact that fitting within certain parameters and using parts sparingly takes skill but please, it is an objective truth that making a high fidelity replica is much harder
    PEA planes are nice on their own but users need to be made aware of the fact that if they only make PEAs, they will miss out on a big part of the experience this game has to offer because they are essentially arbitrarily limiting their building skills. I do not mean to tell people how to play this game, that is up to them, but on the other hand, I do want to kindly ask builders with potential to not limit themselves to low part count builds.
    And yeah the upvote count is inflated, I do not really care about upvotes that much but I do believe that the reward loop is a big part of getting better at this game and if we reward self imposed limitation over creativity, I believe that we create a dangerous precedent for the community, As a conclusion, I would like to see PEA makers try at least once to use their skills to make a non-pea build, my tip would be to find a real plane that is not well enough covered on this site and try to make a good, high fidelity(as high as possible given their current skills) replica of it, even if it's not going to be as good as what professional replica makers build, it will cover previously uncovered ground.
    Does this make sense?

    +3 7 months ago
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    1,765 Mk1Els

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover wait, isnt that the point of PEA? low part as possible with detail and kinda semi realistic performance like what Monarchii say

    7 months ago
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    59.0k Pan

    @ollielebanania I talked about how they make it their personality around peas not the builds themselves

    +1 7 months ago
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    6,124 PlaneSpike

    I don't really hate pea, its just the fact that they aren't that hard to make and yet they get more upvotes than what it should get. And you might say "upvotes don't matter" but that is the only way for everyone to know your work.

    +1 7 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Ye

    7 months ago
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    @ollielebanania @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26
    I think the issues are two things
    -Part efficiency, even though they do follow the "rules" they aren't exactly part efficient (often times I'll see a low part count and think it's too low lol)
    -Unrealistic performance, I care about how fun it is to fly, not how realistic it is, but obviously not everyone thinks like us

    7 months ago
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