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flight from tehran to mahshahr with fokker 100 karun

2,804 Amirali1389  one month ago

Airplane by McDonnellDouglasMd89

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    1,912 MarkMCraft

    Make sure the planes don’t fall apart mid air

    18 days ago
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    @Amirali1389 من اوکیم

    +1 one month ago
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    2,804 Amirali1389

    @McDonnelDouglasMD89 از این مدل پست ها دوست داری بگو امشب پاریس داریم

    one month ago
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    2,804 Amirali1389

    @McDonnelDouglasMD89 وارد جزئیات نشو😆🤣

    one month ago
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    مگه خارک به سیری هم هست :)))

    one month ago
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    2,804 Amirali1389

    Fokker 100 karun by @McDonnelDouglasMD89

    one month ago