Alr so I asked my brother
Who would win
The army of Mordor (with the mouth of Sauron holding the one ring) or Kiryu (with absolute Zero Cannon)
My brother said and I quote "SiNCE KirYu CannOT DestRoY ThE oNe RiNg MoRdOr WiNs AnY dAy!!!!!!1!111!!1!!!!"
So I asked my dad (a LOTR expert) who he thinks would win. He didn't know who Kiryu was until I showed him Godzilla 2002 and Tokyo SOS.
After seeing that AND after I showed him some comics about Kiryu he said "Kiryu's absolute Zero Cannon would make the ring brittle enough that if it falls ,and yes it will due to the mouth of Sauron falling after the force of the blast, it will be destroyed causing Sauron himself to die. And the army of Mordor doesn't have strong enough, or Enough weapons in general to fight Kiryu. The only way to destroy kiryu is to find where Kiryu's pilot is. And HOPE that Kityu isn't in rage mode or else you'll need Godzilla to destroy Kiryu."
Is My brother dumb OR is this accurate?
@WahrscheinlichIch thanks for your feedback!
I'd say that Kiryu would kill the ring wielder and any Orcs, Trolls or whatever attacks him and that the technology of Middle earth is insufficient to combat Kiryu. However being magical I do not think that within LotR canon anything other than mount doom could damage the one ring so after killing the wielder and the army someone would have to manually cast it into the fire. This would theoretically be easy because Kiryu can clear the way to the cracks of doom but the danger would be if the pilot of Kiryu took the ring and claimed it, turning evil.
What do you think on this?