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Fuel Consumption Rate of Engines

539 GuardianHP  7 months ago

Heyo! its been a while, eh? Anyways. Have you guys ever wanted to know the fuel consumption rate of engines? No? Well, ill tell you anyways.

(At 100% Throttle)
Blade T1000 - 0.1 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blade T2000 - 0.25 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blade T3000 - 0.2 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blasto J15 - 0.4 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blasto J50 - 2 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blasto J90 - 2.25 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blasto BFE150 - 4 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)
Blasto BFE300 - 4.5 Liters Per Second (Consumption does not increase with power)

Hope this helps!