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My pc is pain.

39.6k Hiiamhere  2 months ago

Why does my pc get noticeably slower when it runs for more than half an hour?

It's frustrating seeing my ram go from 500 mb to 200 mb, btw it used to have 8 gb but some stuff happend and now it's le ass.

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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @Superliner350 Oops i accidentaly posted my build.

    +1 one month ago
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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @V1 I went to the pc shop for some extra ram and now it's significantly faster.

    2 months ago
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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @V1 I have got 16 gb or ram now.

    2 months ago
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    36.9k V

    Dang I hit the text limit

    +1 2 months ago
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    36.9k V

    @Hiiamhere aight. Imma write a comprehensive guide on how you can make your PC actually usable.

    1: ram upgrade.

    4 gigs of ram is simply not enough if you want to do anything more than using Microsoft word. A single stick of 16 gig DDR4 laptop ram is around 30-40 USD on Amazon (depending on if you have prime or not) Just installing a singular stick will make your laptop go from unusable to able to run games.

    2: making due with what you have

    So you're stuck with 4 gigs of ram and/or things are still slow even with the upgrade. First up, backup everything important then do a full reset in the settings (do not keep files.) or do a fresh install of win10 (fresh install is preferred). Then once reset and set back up, run a windows debloat script to get rid of all the useless crap. I personally used this one on my personal rig, but there's a lot of em. Then, download and install Firefox. Firefox does not eat ram like chrome based browsers do (Microsoft edge, opera and opera GX, brave, Yandex, and kiwi browser are all based on chrome and will eat ram.), then run MsEdgeRedirect and EdgeFkOff to forcefully evict Microsoft edge from your computer to prevent it from consuming your precious ram. (I can't find the links to those programs right now, will update this once I find them).

    Then install steam and be on your way.

    3: the nuclear option

    So windows is just too slow. Alright, I'm turning you into a Linux junkie. If you want to keep windows, make sure your hard drive is less than half full, then make a second partition on your hard drive that is half the size of the full drive (just Google how to dual boot), or just wipe the drive and start from a clean slate. But before wiping your hard drive, install balena etcher and create a Linux mint install disk. Linux mint is idiot friendly and is purposely made to somewhat resemble windows, so it will be easier to adjust and learn to use. You will be able to run windows software fairly easily through steam proton, so don't worry too much about compatibility. Use Firefox or you'll be laughed at by everyone in the Linux community.


    One last thing, if your windows installation somehow becomes not activated and shows the annoying little "activate windows" thing on the bottom right, use this to forcefully activate windows. I also personally used massgrave on my gaming rig, so I know it works

    +1 2 months ago
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    6,340 crazyplaness

    @Hiiamhere i love cookies🍪🍪🍪

    2 months ago
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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @V1 The last 2 gigs are taken by viruses cookies and more.

    2 months ago
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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @V1 operating system = Windows 10
    Ram = 4gb used ram = 3.9 gb. I only have 100 mb left 😭

    2 months ago
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    36.9k V

    1: clean out your PC with canned air. Your PC is a very effective dust trap.

    2: no modern operating system runs on below 2 gigs of ram. What's your current operating system and ram amount?

    2 months ago
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    39.6k Hiiamhere

    @Talon7192 probably I haven't checked for dust in six years.
    That would explain a lot actually.

    2 months ago
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    13.6k Talon7192

    Weird my computer does better when left on is it overheating?

    +1 2 months ago