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What is it like living in the United States Of America?

42.5k Hiiamhere  6 months ago

I am an dutch European and like most Europeans I cant fathom what it would be like to live in the United States of America.

And of course you have a lot of you tubers talking about thier experiences of living in the USA, but I thought it would be more fun to hear from ordinary people/players of sp from the USA what they would tell someonefrom Europe.

Are there a lot of military planes, there because in my country it's a rarety to spot any military vehicle of any type.

Also being able to move 1600 kilometers/ 1000 miles and still being able to speak you native language sounds like a fever dream to me.
I can only move 300 km / 200 miles in any direction if I want to keep my native language. Other wise I will have to speak German or French.

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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    What I have heard about the USA today.
    1 There are a lot of guns but not In every house.
    2 Guns have different laws in every state so not all states have the same amount of guns / gun violence.
    3 it's a huge country with all kinds of different climates so desserts, forests, swamps ,mountains, and more.
    4 For military plane enthusiasts it's the best country in the world to take a visit to.
    5 Shootings are pretty rare.

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    What I have heard about USA so far.
    1 Guns Guns and more Guns .
    2 Crimes + more gun violence.
    3 new York is a no go, basicly a sheight hole.
    4 OIL
    5 Wtf is a kilometer!?.
    6 Familys owning 50 caliber machine Guns.
    7 Some more dru* related crimes.
    8 And big cars big people 'literally'.
    9 military bases everywhere and a nice country for military plane enthusiasts.
    10 A lot of homeless people, funny enough there are non here.
    11 And a president that's so old that he can't even remeber what he is doing half the time.

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    6,685 Samfpanzer

    Every thing is expensive and during the summer you sweat so much that showers and baths are basically useless

    6 months ago
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    Another things, Flordia beaches are nice. Aside from the fact that it's 100° daily but I'm used to it

    6 months ago
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    @Hiiamhere according to the Constitution, everyone has an right to hold an gun to protect themselves if the government becomes corrupt. And yes the plane part is true, at airshows it's mostly fighter jets like the F22 or F16, maybe the F18 if it's the blue angles. And shootings, less then 1 happens each year, most people are dramatic about it but from my knowledge. That's what it's like.

    6 months ago
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    It is not fun

    6 months ago
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    30.4k Potato21

    Lots of driving - A 2 hour drive is nothing here. I’ve done 8 hour drives to hang out with freinds for a weekend, and I have freinds who will drive an hour every day to college. Driving is central to American life. It doesn’t bother me too much because I love driving, but we definitely could do a lot better with our public transport.

    Aircraft/Bases - You only get military planes often (as in daily) if you live near a base. I live nowhere near a base, and still see some planes/helicopters every once in a while (once every few months). I’ve seen a T-34, F-18, C-17, C-130, multiple Apaches, Blackhawks, Super Stallions, Lakotas, V22s, and a MH-6. We do have an insane amount of military bases. Near a sizable base, you see stuff daily. I go to the beach around camp Lejeune, and you can expect to see a few V22s and super stallions daily. Sometimes you’ll get AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys which is always a treat. Often you will get Harriers flying along the coastline. You can even hear bombs going off in the distance during military training. Cool stuff.

    Guns - Gun violence is definitely real. The school adjacent to my old high school had a kid get shot and killed on campus, and I’ve been on lockdown a few times for gunshots in the apartment complexes or the park adjacent to my school. My school confiscated like 5 guns from students my sophomore year lol. Crazy stuff. It sounds insane writing it out, but it’s kinda just how it is sometimes. Of course I am only speaking for my city, which has had a rough few years!

    Geography - Geographically, America is beautiful. In the east, you’re always an hour away from a gorgeous view, whether it be forests, beaches, or mountains. Out west, the views are pretty consistently beautiful, with deserts, huge mountain ranges, and vast plains visible most of the time. Americas geography is pretty great!

    +3 6 months ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    As someone who has grown up out in the backwoods of Pennsylvania I can assure 90% of problems with the US come from cities. The country everybody is nice and welcoming and pretty much stick to themselves. Funny enough driving around today I got to look out over the valley I'm in and see all the farmsteads and the beautiful hills and mountains and it's just a beautiful part of the country.

    +2 6 months ago
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    31.0k 32

    @WisconsinStatePolice yo I live like an hour and a half from fort knox that's crazy

    6 months ago
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    31.0k 32

    ok to sum up realistically

    1. Guns are not as common as most people say, they are legal but it's not like every household has one

    2. Crime rate is not that insane, we're 52nd in the world although I think we're the worst "first-world" country. I will say most of the violent crimes do involve guns though. I will point out there aren't that many stabbings though (take that great brittian). Also this is very related to region, ain't nobody in Massachusetts with a Glock.

    3. New York (and most big cities) have their redeeming factors, they can be quite cool but yea there are bad parts. That's very true even about the big(ish) cities I've been to in europe though.
    4. yes. There is oil in certain parts of the country.
    5. Yes, we use real measurements here. 5280 feet in a mile, baby.
    6. No. That is extremely rare. Mostly because cost is prohibitive.
    7. Yes, unfortunately.
    8. Depends on region.
    9. Yes, i know of a few military bases fairly close to me.
    10. Again, very dependent on region.
    11. Lots of political turmoil. Also Trump, who's running against him, survived an assassination attempt not too long ago.
    +2 6 months ago
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    13.9k Guh

    Oh and super duty's that wanna blind you and this is not biased one bit but ram drivers are calmer however theres one 2019 that loves blinding me and tailgating

    +1 6 months ago
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    13.9k Guh

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 bitch tailgated us for a mile

    6 months ago
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    13.9k Guh

    Oh and the south aint racist like they say unless your in rural arkansas or georgia

    6 months ago
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    @Talon7192 that is oddly specific but true

    6 months ago
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    13.9k Guh

    And you dont see big people big car combo too much but big people minivan combo is common and actually opposed to controversial Believe most truck drivers are not dicks except for if its a 2013 chevy silverado 2500 sea blue flatbed and a push gaurd two dogs in the back that tailgates you and honks when you pull over

    6 months ago
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    13.9k Guh

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 yep that's true places with more accessable guns have less shootings

    +1 6 months ago
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    @Hiiamhere Yes, however places like Texas, which has pretty free gun laws, doesn't have as many shootings as somewhere as Chicago (the city), by comparison, and making guns very hard to get, would cause an outrage, so it wouldn't work, so what we have here is that you have to: pass a background check, complete a firearms training course, apply for a permit, and purchase the firearm from a licensed dealer.
    and like I said earlier gun violence isn't as bad as the news would like to have you believe, and in some cases having guns has reduced the number of gun related crimes, like for example, have you ever heard of a shooting at a gun store, or a range, we really just need to do better background checks

    +1 6 months ago
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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    @WisconsinStatePolice That's some crazy infrastructure, my country only has one nuclear reactor, and the highways are max eight lanes wide.

    +1 6 months ago
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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 So verry verry hard.

    6 months ago
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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I could own a gun but for that I would need to first become a ranger, then following verry expensive gun training, then I would need to do a lot of health checks and then go to the goverment for a hunters licance.

    6 months ago
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    42.5k Hiiamhere

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I hope your government will check gun permits more extensively. And if that doesn't work just make guns verry hard to obtain like here in the Netherlands.

    6 months ago
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    @WisconsinStatePolice the problem with helping Immigrants is that we have too many, and money is going to help the ones that crossed illegally, and even more money is going to help other things that really don't matter, instead of helping American people, and I wouldn't say that NYC is actively screwing them over, it's just that prices there are high, and the US dollar has a higher value than the country's currency that a lot of these immigrants are coming from

    6 months ago
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    @Hiiamhere the families owning 50 cal machine guns is mostly a joke, gun violence is blown out of proportions by the news (I live in a slightly questionable area, and I can't think of any shootings that happened) New York state is pretty fine, just NYC is bad, and a few states (like NJ and Cali) are strict on gun laws, especially Cali, our money is backed by oil, crimes aren't that bad as the news would have you believe, generally just small robberies here and there, and big cars, fun fact what you consider big is normal, Dru*s are a serious issue, but It still mostly happens in the big cities, Homeless people are mostly in the cities but a good amount of them are immigrants legal or illegal, (no offence to any immigrants) and illegal Immigrants are a serious problem, because a lot of them do end up causing problems, and for some reason tax payers spend their hard earned money to help them, instead of giving that money to our legal citizens, and our politics absolutely suck, and we need to get the old idiots out of office

    +1 6 months ago
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    My random America experiences/observations:

    • the interstate interchanges in Texas can sometimes be three or four layers tall.
    • A giant tornado will usually try to kill you at least once a year.
    • Some Emergency Operations Centers in Florida are almost as secure as the gold vault on Ft. Knox.
    • Illinois is just a Minecraft Super-flat world, and the roads turn at 90 degree angles.
    • NYC is allegedly horrible, and they’re screwing over immigrants instead of helping them. (From what I hear, not confirmed)
    • why oh why is food and rent so expensive????
    • the fire department will hose you down in the summer under certain circumstances.
    • the road signs and traffic cones are free, as long as the cops don’t catch you.
    • social engineering can get you into just about anywhere
    • 9 specific power substations being taken offline, either through error, mechanical faults, or physical or digital attacks, can cascade into the entire country losing power.
    • A black start after a major power outage could take weeks
    • services and society may break down before three weeks without power.
    • the nuclear reactors are literally hand-cranked to initiate start up.
    • again, our critical infrastructure is so damn unsecure. It is ridiculously easy to get into some places. Pray to God that the NSA and DHS don’t miss something or someone.
    +3 6 months ago
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    Random ‘Murica observations from a generic Kentucky town/city because I have nothing to do at the moment:

    I live near Ft. Knox, which has Godman Army Airfield, so we see some aircraft. Mainly C-12s, C-17s, C-130s, and Blackhawks and Chinooks (including 160th SAOR variants). We used to have Apaches stationed here, but now they’re pretty rare. Every now and then the house shakes with distant artillery or firing on the range. When flying to the east around the Knox restricted area, we have a theater-view of the tank fields, but haven’t ever been lucky enough to see any vehicles maneuvering.
    The 160th’s MH-6s, Army mobile ATC, and the golden knights skydiving team sometimes take over our FBO and do operations out of the local civilian airport. Sometimes they show us their aircraft/equipment. Civil Air Patrol can usually get exclusive tours, and sometimes even flights in some aircraft like UH-60s and C-17s.

    As for normal stuff, the roads are relatively bad, both in design and maintenance. I usually don’t mind though.
    Prices for everything have been on the rise, per usual. Costs for kitchen supplies and ingredients for small businesses have almost doubled, and in some cases tripled in cost over the last four years. Allegedly construction supplies have risen exponentially.

    Where I live, our local police department is incredibly invested and involved in the community, so we really don’t have any crime aside from people stealing from unlocked cars at night. Our city recently experienced the first armed robbery in years, and the culprit was some idiot from Louisville.

    Yes, of course, just about everywhere we go, people have guns. Not like crazy, it’s usually concealed carry. Some people here do fear mass shootings, but have taken active steps to negate or deter threats. Mental health is a concern in some schools, and many are either advocating for or taking steps towards mental health awareness and assistance. As for more direct actions, at one of the schools I went to, many of the staff were armed (we didn’t know at the time), and they had trauma kits and ballistic shields hidden in utility closets all over campus, just in case something very bad happened. The churches here often have law enforcement presence, and our local department and sheriff’s office are always present at any large event.

    Walmart: it’s a city in itself. The parking lot is another world. No more on this point.

    People: mostly nice, except some when driving.
    Might add more later

    +1 6 months ago
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