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Why do mini guns and wing guns have yellow bullets?

217 Nacidolucky  one month ago

HOW Did they do this

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    Due to unknown reasons the bullets are gold so the minigun and wing gun bullets are yellow

    one month ago
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    so that you are aware that you are shooting

    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    It will destroy 99+ AA tanks

    one month ago
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    So Explosive scale 12 is a nuke

    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    This is powerful to destroy big tanks

    one month ago
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    Yes but TracerColor is good

    one month ago
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    @jamesPLANESii Yes, I forgot already with this endless cycle of Tanks.

    +1 one month ago
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    @SILVERPANZER I think 00FFFF makes aqua. FF00FF makes purple :)

    one month ago
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    Using Overload you can change the tracer color of bullets by adding tracerColor to the first column and FF0000 (red color code) to the second column.

    00FF00 - Green.
    0000FF - Blue.
    FFFF00 - Yellow.
    FF00FF - Purple.
    000000 - Black.
    FFFFFF - White.

    +4 one month ago