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The LC2 getting shot down by the FOJ-2

3,609 HudDistance  one month ago

The jet is superior The jet is better

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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Strucker ok, but so far that one seems good

    +1 one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    @HudDistance I expected so. Eh, maybe just test out other hosting sites to see if there’s one that works best for you.

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    It works! (The one Strucker did work.

    +1 one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    Sorry, I was on SPVR. Lemme test those @Rb2h @Strucker

    +1 one month ago
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    4,792 Rb2h

    Photo here

    one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    @HudDistance Huh, that’s really weird. Maybe try another image hosting site? What if you use this link? Does that work?

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Strucker I did, it just didn't work for me.

    one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    @HudDistance I got it to work on an unlisted post but it was really small. But yeah, you have to do the whole ![]( thing, with a closed bracket at the end of the link.

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    Put that in the browser. Since it's not an actual link

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Strucker [url=][img][/img][/url]

    one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    @HudDistance Ah, yeah. Never used that one. But a lot of others do use it so… hm. Gimme linkie so I can test it myself lol

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    I was using postimg @Strucker

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Strucker I forgot the site .. but probably

    one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    @HudDistance Huh, weird lmao. Might be be the site you’re using to host the image.

    one month ago
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    3,609 HudDistance

    @Strucker I did ![](insert link here)

    +1 one month ago
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    27.7k Strucker

    What did you use to host? Also did you format it correctly?

    one month ago