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Unleashing Speed: SVT's Rally Hatchback Revolution

26 SimplePlanesVehiclesTeam  one month ago

We would like to announce a car-building project by the members of the SVT's Unified Builders. It will be a joint project built by our members of the SVT's Unified Builders. Every part of the vehicle is built to be the best.

As of right now, we can offer some pieces of information on the vehicle. It is a rally hatchback car built to be a piece of art while also being exceptionally very fast.

Stay tuned for more information on the car.

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    @Talon7192 Unfortunately, our members have already arranged their specific tasks on the car.
    You can join our server if you are interested in automotive kinds of stuff. You may have a chance to contribute to our future projects.

    +1 29 days ago
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    12.5k Talon7192

    May i contribute the engine bay?

    29 days ago
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    24.8k LJh1

    @SimplePlanesVehiclesTeam OK

    one month ago
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    @LJh1 As of right now, our members are focusing solely on the rally car. We specialise in any kind of land vehicle with wheels.

    You can join us on our server if you are interested. Some people may be interested in buses too.

    +1 one month ago
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    24.8k LJh1

    Is there anything about buses

    one month ago