So, i have been working on a G1 Starscream for a while now.
And oh man did this screamer cause me a headache, however i finally made it work!
Anyways, Starscream here is very close to completion, he already walks and can do so omdirectional. The last thing i need to add is to make his weapons work. Then he's all set for release.
Also, Skywarp.
Ill try to make some differences so he's not just a recolor of starscream. As this littarly is how he looks.
@winterro can you share these?
@NoOne123 so?
Jewolf already made a better one
@winterro fr
@Randomplayer such An amazing film
@winterro "it only takes one bullet"
this looks awesome
Reminds me I once made crescent rose from RWBY, but then I fucked up and accidentally deleted the game
@Randomplayer So ya better Rango it if someone tries something.
if ya know what i mean
@L1nus Bay is hard to pull off convincingly, as littarly every bit in those robots move. Best getting your feet wet before going into the deep if you know what i mean.
maybe armata or animated? they have some good and interesting designs. I especially love Lugnut for his design in animated, so ill definitly try that one later on. After the seekers that is.
I own I single round of .50 BMG
@winterro I've been wanting to make a new transformer, not sure who I should do. Bay formers optimus and G1 sound man or maybe a galactic man
@L1nus especially when concidering a gyros yaw doesn't change with a gyros orientation.
Still, i cannot put the cockpit and gyro on a rotator because that will make the gyro upset and very weak.
The hardest part to figure out was how to shift those weapons to the wings in airplane mode.
Also the legs
So, i fixed that by modifying the joystick bases to be used as coordinate based shifters (like pistons), I also managed to figure out how to make joystick bases with more than six inputs.
You can actually see that in the gif as the weapons looks like they aren't connected to anything
Awesome! That is so cool.
@L1nus I’ll definitely try
I remember making a transformer once, that was quite the head ache. do you think you could make the other Seekers like SkyWarp, and ThunderCracker?